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(en) France, Alternative Libertaire AL Octobtre - Documentary: "The Philo vagabond" (fr, it, pt) [machine translation]

A-infos - October 5, 2016 - 4:07am
Alain Guyard is a philosophy teacher like no other. This is what shows the beautiful documentary Yohan Laffort released in theaters as of this October. ---- Far from the high schools, where he taught for years, Alain Guyard travels the roads of the region (he lives in the Gard) and beyond, to go take his questions to different audiences and in unusual places: under a circus tent at the foot of Mont Ventoux, at the bottom of the Demoiselles cave (Hérault), a psychiatric hospital Uzes (Gard), in a Belgian jail or with apprentice nursery or young farmers ... ---- Because for Alain Guyard, out of school does not mean creating philo-cafes for people already heavily featuring cultural capital nor do personal development courses to executives at the edge of a nervous breakdown. This is to reach those who would not have otherwise had access to philosophy, even the "humble without rank ...

(en) cnt.es: Open invitation letter to the Bilbao International Conference, 26-27 November, 2016 for anarcho-syndicalist and revolutionary syndicalist organisations (ca)

A-infos - October 4, 2016 - 4:54am
AIT/IWA Dear comrades: ---- CNT-E, FAU and USI are sections of the International Workers' Association (IWA), founded in 1922. ---- We consider essential and urgent the existence of an active and inclusive anarcho-syndicalist International, which participates in and promotes struggles of workers worldwide and facilitates social improvements for them through this. Unfortunately, we have to admit that despite our best efforts the IWA has deviated from its principles and practices. Instead of concentrating on union activity, it has become bureaucratic, dogmatic and isolationist with regard to the labor movement. Considering this, we need to rebuild our International. ---- We believe that our International should restrict itself to general principles that express the commonalities that the members sections have, despite their different histories, traditions and ...

(en) Greece, ese.espivblogs: Articles of ESE, Broad Sheet Workers Bulletin Counter #129 (gr) [machine translation]

A-infos - October 4, 2016 - 4:54am
Antifascist march in Oreokastro, a microphone, reading and sharing text residents, held by 150 people of antiauthoritarian space, with the participation of the ERC Thessaloniki, in response to racist decision of Parents Associations not accept refugee children in schools. Here self al context the ERC text Thessaloniki shared: Our grandparents refugees, immigrant parents, we racists? ---- On Tuesday the 13th became known notice of the parents' association and school guardians of Oreokastro, which threatened with closure of the school in case of registration as students or use of the building by immigrant children. This decision follows the municipal contribution Oreokastrou and finds warm allies and supporters of both the mayor and other listeners and consultants in chorus proclaiming racist far right and their delusions. As a local authority can be competent to ...

(en) Anarchists Heraklion Notice yesterday's events in Rethymno (gr) [machine translation]

A-infos - October 4, 2016 - 4:53am
Yesterday morning in view of the City Council on the issue of migrants installation in Rethymnon was called, from the ASE fascists and Bulk and members of Saori ( "Rethymnon debtors mutual association", a club with a clear right-wing orientation that has garnered around the emetic syferto from xenophobic householders, shopkeepers and entrepreneurs with clear economic interests, megaloagrotes pimps etc.) concentration outside the town Hall. - Fascists of ASE, the Bulk and "branches" them, have long been adopted as fixed regularly be presented to the local councils as "indignant citizens" and throw up their racist bile. ---- But this time they were confronted with antifascists Rethymnon city that will not leave them unconcerned in an attempt to spread fear about the possible migrate immigrants with the familiar rhetoric for public order and health, the Islamization of society and ...

(en) France, Alternative Libertaire AL Octobtre - Content + Éditorial (fr, it, pt) [machine translation]

A-infos - October 4, 2016 - 4:53am
Racism State ; antiracist struggles; Contractual teachers; disability; The post office; struggle unionism; Monsanto / Bayer ; capitalism; Syria ; Migrants in Hungary; emancipatory pedagogy; Budapest 1956 ---- Editorial: Racist everywhere ---- Spotlight: Racism State ---- class solidarity against the racist system ---- Which anti-racist struggles in France? ---- Social ---- Professeur.es contractuel.les: A school of precariousness ---- Education: A supported disability discount ---- Post: "The case of Émeline is a breach in the wall of the postal silence" ---- Call: From the future struggle unionism. ---- Ecology ---- Redemption Monsanto Bayer: Towards a monopoly on life ---- Economy ---- Analysis: Understanding capitalism to better destroy the ---- International ---- Syria: At the heart of the imperialist melee ...

(en) France, Alternative Libertaire AL - international, Henri-Krasucki brigade answered the CGT bureaucracy (fr, it, pt) [machine translation]

A-infos - October 4, 2016 - 4:53am
It was not a hoax! Henri-Krasucki brigade does exist, and she replied with modesty but firmness in "denial" ridiculous confederation CGT. ---- "Henri Krasucki Brigade" is the name that will be given to a group of French CGT committed within the international release of Rojava Battalion , which hosts venu.es volunteers from abroad to participate in the revolutionary struggle in Kurdistan . The battalion is part of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDS), Arab-Kurdish alliance fighting for the establishment of democratic confederalism Syria. ---- Henri Krasucki young ---- Upon his arrest in March 1943. al. Prefecture of Police in Paris ---- Then they published a photo in support of 16 trade unionists from Air France who went on trial on September 27, the confederation CGT had split a press release written "with shock and dismay" to dissociate themselves from these ...

(en) [Italy] No State, No Nation, Federalism and Revolution By ANA (pt) [machine translation]

A-infos - October 3, 2016 - 5:18am
On September 24 last thousands of people demonstrated in Rome in solidarity with the Kurdish people. Women and men of all ages, from the early hours of the morning, came to the city from all parts of Italy, from north to south and islands to focus on Praça da Porta Pia. ---- The event, opened by the Kurdish community, was followed by solidarity movements from different regions, women, committees, associations, the No Tav[No to High Speed Train]without MUOS[Mobile User Objective System - Telecommunication System Military], community centers and anarchist groups. ---- The USI-AIT[International Italian Association-Union Workers Union], grassroots trade unions, civil society together in support of the Kurdish resistance and the people living in these territories. Many, in fact, libertarians, represented by the Anarchist Federation or not, have responded to the ...

(en) France, Alternative Libertaire AL - antirépression, Their weapons, our mutilé.es! Solidarity with Laurent (fr, it, pt) [machine translation]

A-infos - October 3, 2016 - 5:18am
Victim of police violence that struck on September 15 on the Paris demonstration, Laurent has more than ever need our solidarity. Alternative Libertaire relays the call for donations launched by the trade union federation. ---- Laurent Theron, medical secretary at AP-HP and syndicated SOUTH social health has permanently lost the use of his eye last September 15 during the protest against labor law in Paris. Laurent has likely been the face a piece of a grenade thrown by police. ---- According to multiple witnesses, there was no justification to use force. There was near any action against the police. Yet the police have launched a charge accompanied by grenades. It is at this point that Lawrence Theron was injured in the eye. ---- The Union Syndicale Solidaires and the South Federation Health Social denounce forcefully the disproportionate use of désencerclement ...

(en) Anarchist / antiauthoritarian collective Krakatoa: Solidarity in the "fight against slavery" of detainees in the US prison (gr) [machine translation]

A-infos - October 3, 2016 - 5:18am
Today, prisons in the US largely base their operation on the work of prisoners. - Over 2.5 million people are imprisoned, condemned to work compulsively or interior finish prison, in plantations, the military industry or multinational companies such as McDonald's, Microsoft, Victoria's secret, Honda, Starbucks, Johnson and Johnson, Wendy's, Bayer and many others. - So, the detainees and US prisoners experiencing poverty and realizing that without their work in prisons can create a deregulation mode of operation, the April 1, 2016 published a call for action against the slavery of confinement imposed on them, announcing coordinated abstention from wages across country starting on September 9, 2016. ---- Like they say "The slavery of the prison system still exists, but by the end of this year we will do for now. This is a call n 'apoteleiosoume slavery in America and ...

(en) A-Radio Berlin: Azerbaijan: the "flower holiday" of the dictator and the imprisoned anarchists

A-infos - October 3, 2016 - 5:18am
Dear all, ---- At the Congress of the International of Anarchist Federations, IFA, we had the opportunity of talking to an anarchist comrade from Azerbaijan who told us about the case of two imprisoned comrades, facing long sentences. ---- For security reasons we re-recorded this interview with our own voices. ---- You'll find the audio (to listen online or download in different sizes) here: ---- http://aradio.blogsport.de/2016/09/26/a-radio-in-english-azerbaijan-the-flower-holiday-of-the-dictator-and-the-imprisoned-anarchists/ ---- Length: 3:19 min ---- You can find other English and Spanish language audios here: http://aradio.blogsport.de/englishcastellano/. ---- Among our last audios you can find: ---- * An interview on the repression against anarchists in Czech: ---- http://aradio.blogsport.de/2016/09/08/a-radio-in-english-antifenix-interview-on-the-repression-against-anarchists-in-czech/ ...

(en) ozzip.pl: Poland, INICJATYWA PRACOWNICZA - WORKERS' INITIATIVE: Employees and workers of the third sector - organize yourself! [machine translation]

A-infos - October 2, 2016 - 8:10am
We are pleased that it was the study of working conditions in non-governmental organizations. It is a matter which concerns 28 thousand. organizacjii over 100 thousand. osóbii. This report is a signal that the third sector still creates an opportunity for an open and critical self-reflection.[PDF report: http://popop.org.pl/raport-trzecia-strona-medalu-sytuacja-osob-pracujacych-w-polskich-organizacjach-pozarzadowych/] ---- Many phenomena, which collected and describe the author of the report coincides with the diagnosis of the Commission's Working in Non-Governmental Organizations OZZIP. With the experience of our members and members but also people outside of our relationship, we know the stories about the working conditions for NGOs, similar to those collected as part ...

(en) US, black rose fed: the danger of trump and the left - a debate

A-infos - October 2, 2016 - 8:10am
In advance of tonight's Clinton versus Trump presidential debate Black Rose/Rosa Negra presents a debate our own on how we see this political moment. We also want to know your thoughts and encourage you to leave them in the comments here or on our facebook page. ---- The Danger of Trump? ---- The question is: Does the possibility of a Trump presidency represent an unprecedented danger to the left and social movements in the US such as Black Lives Matter and others? Will a Trump presidency unleash a floodgate of racism and white nationalism that is deeply embedded into his campaign? Or, are these sentiments exaggerated as Trump stands a slim chance of actually winning given that much of the ruling class and "deep state" are adamantly opposed to the unpredictable and bad-for-business antics of Trump? And do these fears serve to drive the left into ...

(en) INTERNATIONAL WORKERS ASSOCIATION IWA-AIT: Misconceptions over Split Conference

A-infos - October 2, 2016 - 8:10am
lt has come to our attention that various organizations have been invited to a conference ostensibly about "rebuilding the IWA" that is to be held in November in Spain. Due to the fact that this has caused some confusion as to the nature of said conference and to avoid any misunderstandings, we would like to clarify a few matters. ---- The Congress of the lnternational Workers' Association is to be held at the beginning of December in Poland. This Congress and only this Congress is where decisions about the proposals submitted to the Association can be made by the entirety of its member Sections. ---- The conference being held in Spain, to which some organizations were invited, is not organized by the IWA, although it claims to be a "conference for the preparation of the IWA refoundation". This initiative is thus a split where outside organizations are being invited to decide ...

(en) France, Alternative Libertaire AL Septembre - Economy: Frédéric Lordon, wolf or sheep? (fr, it, pt) [machine translation]

A-infos - October 2, 2016 - 8:10am
In his latest book, Imperium, Frédéric Lordon's ambition to "sober up libertarian" to show them the way of "realism" and "adulthood". A response in defense of internationalism and radical anti-capitalism. ---- Frédéric Lordon renew claims left thinking, becoming almost official intellectual standing of Night. From this point of view he began his latest book, Imperium, a very strange way: by asserting that the principle of verticality is necessary in any organized society. It basically refers to the holistic sociology Durkheim, that, in an organized society, the whole is more than the sum of its parts, and this form of transcendence would imply necessarily a verticality within the company. Moral or legal norms arising from the superiority of any of its parts would be inevitable, necessary. It thus denies that they are the fruit of an authoritarian construction. The Spinoza's idea ...

(en) [Colombia] Exits the new issue of the journal "El aguijón" (#30) (ca, pt) [machine translation]

A-infos - October 2, 2016 - 8:10am
[Already circulating the 30th edition of the newspaper "El aguijón". In this issue the newspaper carries articles on "Minga agrarian peasant, ethnic and popular in east Antioquia", "Communities across the development: struggles for autonomy," "Against neo-liberal educational reforms", and ma is. We reproduce below the editorial of this issue.] ---- This editorial is a break, a self-criticism within the process "El aguijón" but also a celebration, a recognition of the construction of its own collective memory of anarchist practices. Were thirty editions proposing critical discussions of our reality at different scales and diversity of events, trying to build their own perspective, from a place on the look / act that allows us to discuss the existing and conjecture about unstable. Six years of changes in the work pace, intensity and commitment to build each ...

(en) afed.cz: Rojava - Kurds in the struggle for freedom and against ISIS [machine translation]

A-infos - October 1, 2016 - 3:37am
We invite the public to a lecture by two young people from the Czech Republic who are fighting against the Islamic state in Syria. ---- Storytelling Margaret Všelichová and Mirka Farkas escorted copyrighted photographs, who went to northern Syria, to stand alongside Kurdish militia YPJ and YPG attack the Islamic state and defend Rojava! He rojava not only resisted, but now inflicts ISIS one defeat after another, and frees your neighbors. Liberated Rojava becomes hope for the entire Middle East, not only a successful defense against ISIS, but also the ongoing revolution based on the emancipation of women, social and economic autonomy. Margaret and rate well organized material aid to people affected by the hardships of war in Syria directly, find out how you can help. ---- After the lecture will be given space and discuss your questions. ...

(en) solfed uk, manchester - Laibaz picket restaurants Bolton wage theft report - 24/9

A-infos - October 1, 2016 - 3:37am
Manchester Solidarity Federation carried out a successful picket outside Laibaz restaurant in Bolton on Saturday 24th September. The picket was part of the campaign Manchester SF is organising against the owner of the restaurant who owes ex-employees thousands of pounds in unpaid wages. The picket was a real success with a number of people who had planned to eat at the restaurant refusing to cross the picket line. Throughout the picket we had people stopping to offer support with several people sharing their experiences of being mistreated at work. We also collected details of one person who wanted to get involved in the campaign. The local newspaper took pictures of the picket and interviewed one of the ex-employees. Several members of Manchester IWW joined the picket to add their support to the campaign. ...

(en) fda-ifa: Shengal Women's Assembly holds the 2nd Conference SHENGAL - ANF

A-infos - October 1, 2016 - 3:36am
Shengal Women's Assembly held the 2nd Conference with the participation of hundreds of delegates and guests. ---- The conference was attended by Kongra-Star members from Rojava Kurdistan, Newroz Camp, YJA-STAR guerrillas defending Êzidî people in Mount Shengal, women from Shengal, journalists from Europe and Koma Civaken Kürdistan (Kurdistan Communities Union, KCK) Co-Presidency Council Member Sozdar Avesta. ---- The conference which was participated by around 300 delegates began with one minute's silence in memory of those martyred in freedom struggle. ---- Speaking here, KCK Co-Presidency Council Member Sozdar Avesta condemned all those responsible for the massacre and displacement of Êzidî people, and saluted Kurdish People's Leader Abdullah Öcalan, PKK movement, YJS (Shengal Women's Units), Êzidî Women's Assembly, all the guests attending the conference, and all the ...

(en) wsm.ie: We March today to Demand Change - We have a world to Change - leaflet for March for Choice 2016 leaflet

A-infos - October 1, 2016 - 3:36am
We march today to demand change. So much is wrong in our country and our world. People are denied their Bodily Autonomy or endure Direct Provision racism. Some struggle to find decent work or keep a roof over their heads. Meanwhile, our media is dominated by one super rich villain. Beyond this island, the news is worse. Oil companies are driving us into climate disaster. ---- Europe's border controls have killed over 15,000 people, many eeing the wars our governments created in the Middle-East. Clearly, we face a system designed to ensure the rule of the most privileged 0.1% of the population, an elite who divide and rule the rest of us. We join the many people resisting these policies and ghting for real change. ---- Every now and then a victory is won in one area, although often riven with compromises and incomplete. Winning the Marriage Equality referendum was ...

(en) France, Alternative Libertaire AL Septembre - History: 80 years ago, the Spanish revolution under the sign of libertarian communism (fr, it, pt) [machine translation]

A-infos - October 1, 2016 - 3:36am
It was during the Spanish Revolution of 1936 libertarian affect closest utopia that generations of activists had worn every day. While Spain was plunged into a bloody civil war, a result of the military coup (pronunciamiento), exceptional self-management experience is emerging. An almost unique example in the history of the international labor movement. ---- As soon as the pronunciamiento triggered by General Francisco Franco, 18 July 1936, the resistance is organized. It is primarily the result of unions and revolutionary organizations. The government of the Frente Popular, elected in February 1936, is powerless before the coup. Aragon, in the Levant, in a part of Castile and especially in Catalonia, the "nationalist" armies are routed only by the mobilization of the working class, predominantly organized within the CNT[1]. ...
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