Arkline Political Art writes :

Arkline Art features the American Dream Renew Art series including The Clinton Years -- The American Dream Reversed, The American Dream is Burning and The American Worker Locked out of the American Dream. A top newspaper did a story on this art titled Power to the People Art -- see The artist and advocate for human dignity in the workday and fair trade mixes thought provoking social economic messages in his art.

We are putting together a handbook on collective
process, focusing on many of the often unrecognized
abuses that occur and exposing common negative group
dynamics. We hope this project will help collectives
to achieve genuine egalitarian goals.

Currently, we have posted preliminary drafts for Part
One, "Is This What Consensus Looks Like?" We invite
all of you to read these drafts on the Web site as
they develop and send your feedback to: We seek further
contributions, including both constructive advice and
personal experiences.


The Common Wheel Collective

9/11 Remembrance for Global Peace and Justice

July, 2002 -- President Bush, backed by most other politicians and
the mass media, is using the tragedy of September 11, 2001, to
justify an endless "war against terrorism." In Afghanistan,
predictably, this resulted in what a sanitized military jargon calls
"collateral damage." In human terms it is thousands of civilian
lives lost. And Afghanistan is only the first stop in Bush's global
campaign. U.S. troops are already active in Colombia, the Philippines,
and elsewhere. US aid abets Israel's war against the Palestinian
people in disregard of international law, UN resolutions, and basic
human rights. Iraq is the next major target.

Anonymous Comrade writes:

The British Trotskyist journal Revolutionary History has a useful website at revolutionary-history

Many articles can be read on-line.



August 24th, the National Alliance, the largest and most active neo-nazi
group in North America, will be marching in Washington, DC. Their march
a direct threat to the safety and well being of people of color, disabled
people, queer people, trade unionists, and activists and radicals of all
progressive movements. It's time for anarchists, and other
anti-authoritarian, anti-state, anti-capitalist revolutionaries to
confront them.

The Green Party of the United States writes:



For immediate release: Wednesday, July 31, 2002

Lavender Green Caucus, winning accreditation in the Green Party, challenges
gay support for Democrats

WASHINGTON, DC -- The Lavender Green Caucus, representing gay, lesbian,
bisexual, and transgendered (GLBT) members of the Green Party, has emerged
as a national force in the Green Party of the United States, after becoming
the first caucus to gain a voting seat on the party's Coordinating
Committee. Other caucuses, representing African-American and Latino Greens,
are also planning to win seats on the Coordinating Committee, the party's
central decision-making body which includes delegates from 39 states.
Dissatisfied with what we see as the one-sided reports produced by the
mainstream media, several organisations and persons have set up an
alternative: Organic Chaos Network. With this non-profit and copyleft
network we intend to report, spread and exchange information on the
undercurrents in society, and show what the mainstream media prefer not to


Throughout the world people, groups and organisations videotape actions and
campaigns around issues such as environmental protection, social justice,
human rights, animal rights, squatting and anti-fascism. The idea of this
video network is to link up with existing and create new initiatives to
broaden the opportunity for (subversive) organisations and activists to
report on their activities in their own words and images. To enable a free
and widespread flow of information, which is one of our main aims, we want
to overcome barriers such as money by working on a voluntarily basis.

Manifesto of the Crossover Summer Camp Project

What we want:
Our starting point is the conviction that all the different relations of
power and domination are inseparably bound up with one another, permeating
and often stabilizing each other. We want to develop a practice that
reflects this.

Our aim is to contribute to the construction of a new constellation of
political tendencies.

August 23 marks the 75th anniversary of the judicial
murders of Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti, two
Italian-born anarchists, by the State of Massachusetts.
On August 23 this year, we will hold a mass rally and
memorial in Union Square, New York City, to commemorate
their executions and renew our commitment to the ideals
Sacco and Vanzetti fought for -- a society without the
state, without the church, without capitalism -- a
classless society where everyone can live free.

Under the Influence:

Celebrating the Legacy of Black Mountain College

September 19-22, 2002, in Asheville, Black Mountain and Cullowhee, NC


A collaborative festival on the 50th anniversary of John Cage's multi-media
"Theatre Piece No. 1".

In the summer of 1952 amid the creative ferment of Black Mountain College in
North Carolina's Blue Ridge Mountains, John Cage created an unscripted
presentation incorporating music, dance, spoken word, visual art and
projections. Later titled "Theatre Piece No. 1", the event achieved renown
as the very first multi-media "Happening". On the 50th anniversary of this
historic event, the Black Mountain College Museum & Arts Center and its
collaborators are presenting Under the Influence: Celebrating the Legacy of
Black Mountain College.

Revolutionizing the American arts and sciences in the first half of
twentieth century, the influence of Black Mountain College faculty and alums
such as Josef and Anni Albers, John Cage, Merce Cunningham, Buckminster
Fuller, Walter Gropius, M.C. Richards, Alfred Kazin, Willem and Elaine de
Kooning, Jacob Lawrence, Robert Motherwell, Charles Olson, Robert
Rauschenberg, Stan VanDerBeek, Robert Creeley, Jonathan Williams, and many
others continues to be felt to this day.