bartlefly's blog

A second response to Arcangeli's 'ashk,' many lines of which resounded with so many recent frustrations of mine. (the first response disappeared, I still don't know how we save entries). I also feel that even alternative collective identities (political, intellectual) don't get us far in the absence of a genuine search for something other than the self, however extraordinarily that self may be defined, I or us. We're living in the real subsumption of the mega-mundane, no doubt.. including the banalization of every bit of radicalness that is left. Academy's mud water trickles into every nook of fresh thought, drawning it, and as the bubbles come out, academic type speaks loud and certain.. (I'm talking about academy, cause i know less about the drawning by the political). Did you notice any friendship in the academy? We have colleagues instead, just as bank clerks do. Mushrooms and the shaman rituals, and poetic awareness is all inspiring. But is this still not a "monadic" world, a world of the mono, of monotone, and ultimately of "myself"? Into whatever excentricity I may push myself, into nature, the dawn and an unprecedented awareness probably... what will I hear that can alert me to the presence of an other that passes near by? Without the other's passage and, probably, guest-hood, and probably friendship how will I exit the super-linear mundane, how will i know i've exited?
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