spartacus's blog

Capital And The State Are Serial Killers 1) Bush – United States – Serial killers of people –Thousands of killings in the name of security. 2) Sharon – Israeli State – Serial killers of people – Thousands of killings in the name of security. 3) Putin – Russian State – Serial killers of people – Thousands of killings in the name of security. a) Bush – kills for the Empire. b) Sharon - kills for a greater Israel. c) Putin – kills for a falling Empire. Capital And The State Are Mass Killers Capital and states kill people everywhere and all of the time. The only way to stop this human genocide is to destroy immediately the state and capitalism. By fully destroying the state and capital we will instantly bring about the total liberation of humanity and make the whole world live comfortably and in peace. By dismantling all authority and hierarchy we eliminate all forms of violence and oppression. The termination of governments and rulers will transform humanity from total misery into total happiness and creativity, ending conflicts and antagonism. By eliminating power and centralization we get rid of poverty and hardship forever. By the abolition of money and discrimination we will have a strong and healthy humanity capable of self-management and universal self-determination. By ending the law of inheritance and private ownership of social production we shall launch humanity into a meta-state of permanent creativity and constant freedom. Anarchy In Theory – Communism In Economy – Individualism In Society
Shock & Shake The Internet & The Whole World. When Anarchists Come Together It seems that all the attempts to bring down capitalism through a revolution in the past have totally failed. It failed because the theory of Marx and The French Communards was faulty and revolutionarily insufficient. The capitalist system can either die on it’s own accord, which might take a long time (it’s unnatural historical life-span), or terminating the capitalist structure by us the neo-anarcho-revolutionaries with the full support of the majority of the impoverished people. Capitalists today as before exist only through their organized violence and brute military/police and monetary coercive force. But now it seems that the evolution of consciousness is beginning to catch up pace, the socio-evolutionary sphere has increased its developmental velocity. A revolution operating within an evolutionary adaptation necessity. This 21st century it is going to become the burial ground for this cruel and utterly inhumane system, that has tortured humanity for thousands of years, thus at last the ending of hierarchy, authority and theology. You work, you produce the product, and yet they get 99% of the profit, the owners of raw materials and the means of production. This massive historical daylight global robbery of humanity, by a system known as capitalism that enriches few hundreds families at a cost of the starving rest. Anarchy is an excellent replacement for the capitalist system. Most anarchists have yet to further develop and reach the required meta-theory and its practice; this is essential for the creation of a new and a different world. Situationism, primitivism, green anarchists, platformism, syndicalism, workerism and many more varieties are premature pseudo-anarchism. Incomplete theory clinging anachronistically to tradition and party organization, the dead wait of the failed reactionary past. The anarchic meta-theory exists with ample practice and application. It will take it some time to penetrate every brain on this planet. It will spread psychologically (epistemologically) and emotionally (ontologically) to every person on earth. Some will advance faster than others, but eventually everyone with their contradictory past will rise to a higher level of existence unknown before. Deterministic dissolution and resolution of all antagonistic negations to be replaced by a newly formed mentality, a new anarchic being, the most creative of all. Self-created anarchist, a new human being without the diseases of the past, the most conscious ever to exist in the one million years of the existence of the modern human race. Equipped with total knowledge and courage humanity will learn to self-determine it’s happiness and full liberation. Whilst you are stuck with your minute brains, playing like kids with make belief and still playing games whilst your personal life is falling apart with the world around it. To add also the serious complications about their sexuality and its real de-satisfaction. Hiding underneath shallow banners, pretending to be what they are not, with well to do fiscal background that allows them to become sleazily lazy and pompously blown out of proportion as a perverted reaction to sever lack of love in their existence and a total loss of sexual pleasure. Thus their need to dominate and their obvious lust for power where the bigger the inferiority the bigger the lust for control. So I suggest as a therapy, the complete transformation of these cyber-individuals, from a state of sexual and emotional desperation to a state of being really loved for what they are, which is a long way to go but it is never too late. Some individuals will have to be loved some how, if we want to cure them from this deep alienation that they find themselves in. how can you love and create and be free with some ones like these. So lets see what metamorphosis they well undergo in the coming future. Some limited persons pretending to be anarchists. Be ware of those who call themselves anarchists, some are bad anarchists. They are simply spoiled middle class kids trying on playing with anarchism and then end up at their parents’ savings and kindling. And to those grown up anarchists be ware of those who also call themselves anarchists, those ones that seriously play with party, discipline and organization. Which is just another form of sacrifice ideology for the good of the leader. So go and find a nipple to suck from, you are too premature for such a powerful phenomenon. Sorry my friend and with all due respect all you say is passe. French or no French, intellectual academics are always anti-revolutionary. In time of total capitalism there is a total rejection of philosophy and its lackeys. All they do is play with few words which they stick to them to the end, until they get lost again and start with another bullshit to impress the hungry layman and to fiscally-intellectually survive. Philosophers are finished; they shell lay in archives in the basements. They have nothing to offer us now, but pompous mechanized terminology, which also lack any imagination and practical meaning. Therefore my friend allow me to cancel all of them in one stroke, after reading them of course and don’t bother to spread their cowardice rhetorical quasi-radicalism. They have nothing to contribute to anarchy or to the revolution beside their desperate effort like Chomsky and others, to be as close to anarchism as possible from fear of remaining forgotten behind. Struggle with the oppressed Capitalism is a crime; capitalists are criminals, for every happy capitalist millions suffer. Right-wing people are ugly people inside, they are very selfish and for greed they are ready to step on anyone and anything. Liberalism of war, a stupid concept that gives the conservatives a ‘humane face’. The rest are a just victim of capitalism and capitalists. During the revolution, all capitalists will be sent to a camp designed to rehabilitate all capitalists, so they could return and live naturally in society without exploiting the planet and the poor. Most of you are stuck in total alienation and the task of your liberation isn’t easy. We can help humanity get out of its pain and anguish and dismantle the state and capital. Instead real happiness and equality will prevail. Any capitalist or chauvinist who wishes to return to capitalism, will be re-directed again to a recreational drug and heavy rock therapy. This way we can ensure that no person will ever exploit or oppress another fellow being. They well have to leave alone nature as well. Big companies like tanks and cars did not inherit nature. Nature belongs to no one and no one is allowed to destroy it for profit and power struggles = war + profit. So you either become an anarchist or remain a nasty alienated sick being, who is ready for money to destroy the universe. It only shows how small and little the capitalists and the right-wingers are but it also shows the beauty of anarchists. It is not enough to think, even monkeys think. But you have to know why you think what you think. You must know why you are thinking what you are thinking and what are the causes and reasons behind it. Without this you are just an alienation reflector thinking, i.e., modern brainwashed personalities like most of the individuals at this pro-right wing capitalist forum, beside some few good anarchists. But most individuals here are at loss with what to do with their surplus money. Having all this fiscal privilege the still behave and react as individuals stuck with pro-capitalist rabies convulsions. They want to shut off my piercing and sharp criticism that is beyond their epistemological ability. For understanding this please refer to the said above. As to their ontological state of being it is permanently in a self-failed crisis of chronic dissatisfaction and sever lack of genuine erotic or creative pleasures in their lives. The result is shown from their quasi-intellectual reflex-conditionings. Yet I didn’t lose hope in humanity regardless of what they say of its nature, also unity because of my stupidity is very welcomed and enthusiastically encouraged. The anarchic revolution of the 21st century No one wants to take your private property, as long it is not a social mean of production. You cannot own the air I breathe or the water I drink or the food I eat. All these will be free in an emancipated society. You can have your underwear that’s ok with me, but you cannot own the land we live on or the river we swim in. Anarchists will eliminate the private ownership of the social means of production. This is owned by all and for all. I get history from existence One-day god wanted to check on how his people live, so he landed in the Holy Land and started walking around. Some fishermen sitting in an open cafe asked him to join them for tea and a smoke. He accepted the invitation and sat with them. One of the anglers asked who he was, so god answered him that he was god, so the fishermen said to him, hey it must be very good stuff. To right-wing Americans only You should be ashamed to be an American Well since no body wants to respond to this redneck jerk. I spit on you and your country you stupid retarded little American. I am glad that not all Americans are like you, I spit on all the soldiers that die in wars, they wanted to serve their state then let them die for it. America is the ugliest entity in the universe close to Israel in it ranking. You believe that America discovered every thing that costs money but you are wrong Mr. KKK US made human degenerate and sub-developed inner personality. The coca cola mentality of Texas. So get of this thread you capitalist garbage of history. You are bad to humanity like America, you are bad to the planet like America and you are very bad for us just like your sweet ex-slave-owner Yankees, a nation of aliens loving genocide and sweatshops. To non-right wing Thank you for being so polite, to the questions: Why the so-called impossible is impossible? 1) Large amount of history’s knowledge is available and applicable to anyone in the present. Nothing was destroyed in the past, passing from one generation to other; knowledge was transferred and later into books. So if you read all the worthwhile books ever written for example, you would have read all the knowledge available. 2) You can know exactly how much you know through the simple fact of permanent testing. You cannot argue with the evidence. What I am saying is, that knowledge is there to be learnt and become known, and I am here to make this process a bit easier. Sorry but my job is to raise the layman to me. I don’t turn to god but god turns to me. A – Post-biotic mutual-aid = Convictions coming from the inside of the self – voluntary. a- Post-survival mutual-aid = conscious understanding of the mutual benefit of mutual-aid. B – coerced mutual aid is mutual self-destruction, like today. The instinct of freedom remained locked in cages for centuries. It has forgotten the sensual and mental experience but retained its reflex. This conditional reflex, inserted deeply in our ancestral wilderness has come to implode and then explode creating a post-cage state. Show the people how to experience freedom, remind them of how is it to be happy and free. Awaken the sleepy prisoner and tell him that the time of liberation has dawned. Treat their chronic amnesia and freedom phobia, by showing how much pleasure they are missing and losing, stimulate their natural desires and compassion. Show the people how it is to be free and creative, how to learn and dare to advance to a higher matrixes of conscious development. At a certain stage of revolution the might of mass conscious will be unleashed treading underneath its raving heal on the miserable social conditions of our past. [Y] Right as usual, yes consumption is a symptom of a sick society. Sick consumption is what remains of what capitalism can offer. But after the revolution this will immediately stop and free centers of distribution will be available instead. You can take as much as you want and need free of charge and without money. [X] Yes it is I hi, nice to have you here as well, welcome to the front line headquarters. WR3 = World Revolution III Atomic reactors/accelerators for the production of neutron LsD Hydrogen + H3 reactor for the production of pure atomic EcstasY
Capitalism As Terrorism And The World Anarchic Movement The absence of courage needs organization. The world anarchic movement in its embryo. Network of publications + bookstores + anarchist households + squats ≠ style anarchism. Subculture = rituals + symbols of rebellion ≠ Internet > fashion anarchism – eccentric post-modern philosophers + punks + black block + class war and class peace – the anti-globalization movement and professors of all sorts, affinity, etc, 1) Alienation and moderation of the well to do anarchists of the western world. 2) The poor anarchists impossible conditioning. 3) The role of computers in anarchic compensation and reformism. We have nothing to loose but the terror and hidden chains of capitalism. 1) The terror of the state and its laws. 2) The terror of capitalist economy. 3) The terror of class, order and psychiatry. a) Academic terrorism. b) Military & police terrorism. c) Juridical terrorism. d) Bureaucratic terrorism. e) Ideological terrorism. A – State terrorism equal justice. B – Group / individual terrorism equal terrorism. C - The terror of politicians and scientists. D – The eco-terror of capitalist industrialists and technologists. E – The terror of education, authority and organization. Capitalism is permanent war and terrorism, permanent exploitation and devastation all over the world. All this armament business is made and produced solely to kill and with its aid rule the planet. 1 – The terror of the media and entertainment. 2 - The terror of work and sport. 3 – The terror of the family and the foreigner. 4 –The terror of the rich against the poor. 5 – The new terror of the new world order. Genuine anarchists are here to stay whilst capitalists their years are numbered, they are living on borrowed time now. Capitalism is bad for the rest of humanity, a disaster of colossal proportion; capitalism is irreversible infinite damage. Most people suffer terribly under capitalism, masses of impoverished people, masses of poor and billions of sufferings. Anarchists will prevail while capitalist will vanish forever from humanity but without forgetting their years of terror-profit reign. Capitalism means 6-million rich/ruler compare to 6-billion poor and often hungry. How many poor people can become rich under capitalism, very few and why, because of laws that protects the rich hegemony. Anarchists are the natural representatives of humanity whilst capitalists represent only selfishness, lust and greed. They call it ambition and motivation but in reality it means profiteering and exploiting the people and the planet. Anarchists will show the way out of this capitalist mess, guide the way to a better and materialistically free world whilst capitalists destroy all of us and themselves and the whole world. The empire must fall and with it goes political economy. Does life has to be like this, all against all always, unless one quickly finds a common terroristic enemy. Can you really live happily and freely under contemporary conditions? Can you achieve worthwhile pleasure and creativity in this survival of the fittest hysteria by wasting our lives on the pursuit of an illusionary wealth and power? The capitalist desperate need for a permanent accumulation is a compensation for the loss of real self worth and being good with the people. Was the need for survival created by the ruling minority to keep us dependent upon them and enslaved. Well, time has changed but the capitalist system remains and the question is for how long it is going to spend gasping its last breath. I hope to see it end and disappear in my lifetime. Then and there the anarchic era begins and the new humanity starts its anarcho-creative liberation. When capitalism starts to loose it always resorts to terrorism as a last resort. All the capitalists of the world, beside their lust for money and power, have no real and genuine pleasures or happiness. People hate the rich because the majority of the rich are mean and nasty. Then rich are unhappy because the majority of the population despises them; politicians and business bosses have a similar fate. They are incapable of loving and therefore never receive love even from their families. Thus they bye their affections with property, money and commodity. We know everything about them and they know little about us, how intentionally lucky. We know how they live and on what the spend their money and about their low life of course. We know how they feel about the world and the people and how they relate to one another, we also know exactly how the rich mind works, why they think what they think, naturally very bad thoughts and the outcome is always tragic and unnecessary bloody. We know how they see and treat the rest of the world, with a big stick and a small carrot but we also know what anarchists can finally achieve in the coming anarcho-revolutionary future, which means now and after. Democratic terrorism
I say, let’s do it - reclaim our lives & the world 1) How to turn Muslims and Christians and Jews into anarchism. 2) Debord, Vaneigem, Black, Zerzan, Bey, Chomsky, Perlman, Bookchin, they are ok, but not sufficient for the creation of revolution. 3) Against authoritarian anarchism. 4) The limitation and delimitation of western anarchism. 5) The non-existent of eastern anarchism. 6) Why anarchism as it is today has failed in Europe and North America. 7) The contradiction of anarchic organization. 8) The future of anarchy as a global force. 9) From practice to theory to meta-theory. 10) The first anarchic socio-universal revolution at the end of this century. 11) The anarchic movement for a mass conscious advancement and the rise of full awareness. 12) Bakunin and Kropotkin are still valid for today but with some post-technological modification and updating. A global party that turns into a global revolution, the place and time for the party will be given by the spokespersons of the global anarchic movement/revolution. All the anarchists of the world will come together to this dance party at the center of earth from which it will spatio-temporally expand to all directions. The world anarchic movement will come into existence by the end of this decade. All the anarchists of the world will know the way to create and help in the manifestation of the global exter-national social revolution. We call upon all the anarchists of the world to drop their differences and theoretical inclinations and come together as one universal anarchic movement. The revolution is only some years away, it is coming and it is coming your way too. You are invited to celebrate the freedom of your life and participate in the creation of the anarchic social revolution. By spreading further the anarchic theory and equation we can turn all the Muslims, Christians and Jews into potential anarchists. The only required direct confrontation is with the god of all religions – capital. After a semi-violent revolution capitalism will be defeated and anarchism in its place installed. All the different varieties of anarchism, beside anarcho-capitalism are being unified in one universal body, the anarchic movement. This anarchic universal field theory will bring about the dismantling of all dialectical differences thus allowing for a total unity. The first stage in the revolutionary transformation of society will become accomplished. The second stage will be to extend and expand to a maximum the radius of human consciousness and its immediate application as an anarcho-revolutionary theoretical practice.
Against post-structuralism and post-modernism * Abolition of power and the objective identity. * The influence of nazi philosophy on post-structuralism and postmodernism. * Anti-modern anarchism = Anti-political economy = Anti-post-structualist anarchism. * The anti-political anti-philosophy of anti-post-stucturalist anarchism. * From resistance to a revolution. * Anti-authoritarianism and the abolition of capitalism. * If you are equal then you have nothing to worry about. This is about an armchair pseudo-radical demagogy coming from abstract theo-alienated professors propagating a simulative mass and individual subjective paralysis. Post-modern intellectuals and post-structuralism theorists the like of Michel Foucault, Jean Baudrillard, Gilles Deleuze, Jean-Francois Lyotard and Jacques Derrida are all influenced by a nazi philosopher called Karl Schmidt and other fascist theoreticians. Post-modern theorists, especially Michel Foucault and Jean Budrillard have given us a cowardice and abstract pseudo-critique of Western society. These theorists are often used by quasi-anarchist academics to provide us with a very misleading and dishonest interpretation of power and wrong analysis of revolutionary subjectivity and rebellion. There will never be any intersection between anarchism and post-structural / post-modern thought. Leave anarchy alone, it does not belong to post-structuralist academic rubbish rapped in postmodern campus jargon to impress the stupid and the repressed. Foucault, Budrillard, Deleuze, Loytard, Derrida and much more academic junk is shoved down our throat as anarchy. Day in and day out we encounter these quasi-leftist academic intellectuals masquerading as revolutionary anarchists that obviously they are not and far from it. They are cashing on anarchy at any cost, because they know that we are the sole future. There is no connection what so ever between anarchy and these academicians and professors with there for idiot’s theorization. Anarchism and anarchy is beyond their bolo bolo mambo jambo to impress the students with their high Latin terminology. Lots of blah blah and plenty of fear of action. Revolutions begin in the streets and in society not in the campus or the library. Revolution is not a play in abstract tautological terminology and cheap psychology but a direct conscious action. Post-modernism and post-structuralism are reactionary petty-academic ideologies created in the university to defuse the real social upheaval that is taking place everywhere. We don’t want intellectuals that sell their services to the state and to capitalism, these tendencies were created to deform and distort anarchism and turn it into mechanical impotence. Our essence is what we make it to be. Our identity is revolutionary anarchist. Our ethic is meta-ethical. Our exchange is gift.
The Waiting Is Over The Revolution Has Began The more aggressive the State – Capital becomes the more anarchists join the movement and appear on the scene. The beginning of the end of the Capital –State is expressed by the hysterical attacking the outside and inside of itself. The self-destruct course of the State and Capitalism is showing in all its collapsing manifestations. The Capitalist State is waging a war on all and everything in an attempt to rescue itself from a guaranteed self-annihilation with a little help from a stranger. The biggest Capitalist State goes down first probably by the end of this decade to be followed by the rest of the market as the known Domino effect. What will come after the collapse of Capitalism worldwide is an anarchic society based on equal distribution of all resources? Anarchists and many people of all over the world sense clearly the coming of the biggest event. Some Anarchists even accelerates the process of head on collision of all contradictions in a meta-antagonistic and revolutionary way. Violence in all its forms will disappear instantly after the revolution from the face of the earth, thanks to the anarchic equation of total equality and equal distribution. Thanks to anarchist theory and to the specific activity of certain Universalistic Anarchists. The last revolution is finally appearing on the horizon of time and of humanity. But this time without Capitalism or Communism, which failed completely but Anarchy which is going to stay with us for a long time to come to the day when even a more perfect concept of permanent human desire for freedom will be discovered. FREEDOM & HAPPINESS FOR ALL NOW
The Silence Before The Storm Difference & Unity Anarchists are the leading force of the revolution. People are joining the movement constantly everywhere. Behind the spectacle system the earth is burning and the planet is boiling. How long the capitalist system can sustain its violent lies? The system will crush by itself in itself as the ultimate implosion of its unresolved internal contradictions. The anarchists with other people will offer the final touch to the transformation to a higher post-profit-state plane. Who knows how to get out of this hysterical-historical impasse? How long are we going to lesson to those who preach anarcho-intellectualism? Post-left platformist anarchism and the like who cannot do without being organized, they get lost. Some people want the revolution some don’t, but more and more people daily are thrown to the bottom mass class, they have nothing to loose and they are the majority of the people of the world. We all want anarchy now; soon the rest will want it because it has the most pleasure and happiness to offer to all. We want anarchy because it is the best way to achieve a total human equality and create happiness on a massive scale. This is a new and different anarchic social revolution. This one is going to operate differently from anything known from the past. A revolution of a different sort, becoming ever more clearly as time passes quickly by. The elimination of power and the liberation of humanity are the anarchic revolutionary contribution to humanity. We will liberate ourselves together and alone, we will liberate humanity and humanity will liberate us. Anarchic revolution means the immediate termination of market capitalism and military statism, in its place we will have anti-political gift meta-economy. No profit and wages, the majority is poor and in despair, poverty is hitting hard more and more people everyday. Only equal distribution of matter and pleasure and universal happiness will liberate humanity for the first time in its history. Defeat capitalism with anarchism
Are YOU a reactionary scum? Some opportunist academic frustrations backed by cynicism to hide a degenerative intellectual backlash – the fall western Hegelian thought – the collapse of philosophy and science, i.e., sarcasm and decadence. Revolutionaries don’t wait for the revolution they make it. We with the people make the revolution, first in some parts of the world, the most conscious, then the rest joins. We have all the answers to all the questions, but do you have the courage to apply them in the here and now. We wait for no one, we cause the revolutionary chain reaction and sooner or later it will pick up the rest of humanity. We will liberate ourselves from capitalism and authority whether you like it or not. No masters, no gods no kings in anarchy, only free and equally happy people worldwide. We destroy the system so no one could use it to enslave others. The termination of all systems by liberates humanity from systematic hierarchy and systematic authority. By ending the system we create a meta-system, i.e., the end of work and capitalism, the end of America and Israel as barbaric forces against their natural surrounding. Meta-system of anarchic self-management and self-creation will replace capital and punishment. The liberation movement of anarchic humanity Free yourselves from limited past, rise and think the impossible, you are the revolution, and we are the revolution and nothing else. We are the objective conditions and we shell direct it/id to our own anarchic ends. Dare any one and suggest slavery or exploitation again, under whatever excuse or ideological mongering. We are here to stay and take the law and our destiny into our hands and make what we will with it and any reactionary reaction will be disposed off immediately. Revolutionary step one: Appropriation of all means of social production = production for all. Elimination of the concept of control = freedom to all. Revolutionary step two: Gift economy = meta-economy. Abolition of work = permanent creativity. Especially to non-anarchists I really don’t know why you are at this anarchism forum, you are a sick person (an alienated mini capitalist) you should learn from us how to regain some of your lost humanity. Anyway go from here to where you belong, to your dear ex-slave owning country, and stay in right wing forums. I see your name spread on this board like a reject in your own neo-conservative circles. You are in the wrong forum and here you get demolished or transformed into being a more social being. But for now you are finished as a friend turning into foe. Friends we are here to stay and navigate the revolution towards the anarchic society within our life span. Post revolutionary elimination of money and the distribution of all wealth on the basis of spontaneous and voluntary mega-production. As to the mini Darwinian capitalist, HE WANTS TO CHANGE, and get out of his self-imposed jungle. Anarchic society where biology don’t mix with ontology and neo-conservatives should be drastically transformed preferable by our like minded anarchist breaker of all laws, as a condition for further conscious advancement. Down with all the scientists and philosophers, long live the anarchic future. We are the most intelligent entity in space yet; we know what we want, anarchy and freedom.
Anarcho-Revolutionary Knowledge & Action There is no escape but confrontation, creating the new within the old. We are the future makers; we are the foundation of the social revolution and the embryo of the future anarchic society. We are the revolutionaries who will terminate the state and capitalism, destroy hierarchy and class. We are building a new life, without coercion, authority or enforced labor. We have the solution and answers to all issues posed; we have no fear but endless courage and applicable anarcho-revolutionary knowledge. The people have woken up, they refuse to take it any more, they want freedom and equality now, and they want the anarchic global revolution – The New World Anarchy. More and more people are joining the anarchic movement, everyday more and more youth are becoming anarchists and revolutionary. There are two reasons for this sudden expanding phenomenon (consciousness): 1) The accelerating deterioration of the objective condition of capitalism. 2) The appearance on the anarcho-historical scene some unique anarchists with an extraordinary energy and revolutionary ability. The numbers are increasing, the revolution is becoming nearer. Anarchists all over the world together with most of the people on earth will join hands in the making of this anarcho-social revolution for the creation of new egalitarian anti-capitalist - Free World – Free Humanity. Once people experience true freedom and material liberation they will all become the genius of humanity and the light at the end of the tunnel, living happily and free for ever after. Having a ripened objective condition is not sufficient on its own for the creation and manifestation of the anarchic social revolution. What is needed for this mass insurrection on a global scale to happen is some heroic revolutionary anarchists to pave the way when the masse are dormant. These exceptional anarchists act like catalysis for accelerating the social transformation and capitalist destruction, they are the social engine of change and the symbol of universal equity & liberty. The first to go by the end of this decade is the USA Empire, in delay of two decades after the fall of the USSR. The rest of the capitalist organizational structure will follow suit in time soon after. Humanity will free itself, for the first time ever, from this blood and sweet sucking parasite, called capital and its lackey’s. The revolution is coming and is coming fast; we are ready and fully prepared to change this world for the better forever. The anarcho-revolutionary movement for the liberation of humanity.
ALL HAS TO BE WRITTEN The whole his-story + the future. Starting with A,B,C,D + Ending with n. Material = Economical + Physical + Elemental = Misery. Conscious = Thought + Feeling + Creativity + Progression = Happiness. Structure + Basis  Infrastructure + Meta-base. Money  Work  Scarcity + Affluence  Rich + Poor ≪ Commodity. Society + Individual Condition ≊ State Of Being Or Being Of State. THE OPPOSITE THE RIGHT/WRITE CYBERNETICAL COLLAPSE & BEYOND  Communication.  Commodification.  Meta-communism.  Commonwealth.  Communization.  Communards. Actual liberation + Destruction of capital. The fall of capital + Its states. Universal management of the self or the CIA. Cooperative + Associative Socio-Individo-Universal Self-Management. Liberation of wo/mankind from the yolk of oppression, capital + capitalists. The distribution of money to all the poor of the world. NOW OR SOONER OR LATER Change or disappear – Take it or leave it – Some after/before its too late. Self + mutual annihilation – Mental self-destruction. Optimism  Pessimism ≄ Total. CAPITALIST ECOLOGY ASIA – A. AUSTRALIA – A. AMERICA – A. AFRICA – A. EUROPE – E. ANARCHY – A. Unnatural Western Culture – The fall of western culture. The last culture + the beginning of the free universe. THE OPPRESSIVE CONDITION OF CAPITALIST ECONOMY 1. Economical equality. 2. Mass control of the means of production + the production of the means. 3. Socio-association = association among equals. 4. Universal contribution + distribution. 5. Coordination + cooperation = syncho-tropy. 6. Bad in all or good in everything. 7. Destruction of capitalism + its destructive economy. L – O – H = Liberation O f Humanity. Economical – Equality – Freedom. ∑E + E = Fe2 = mc THE BIBLE OF PLEASURE 1) The end of the state + the end of intellectuality = one + the same thing. Intellectuality = Stupidity. 2) Intellectual function = Work’s permanent representative loose in our heads. 3) Any Rejection not based on the will to live is simply another refusal of life.
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