Aesthetics & Sexuality on the Lower East Side


Louis Lingg writes: "The LOWER EAST SIDE BIOGRAPHY PROJECT presents:
"Down There: Aesthetics and Sexuality on the Lower East Side"

Compiled as part of a program presented recently at NYU's Tisch School of the Arts, this video directed by DEAN LANCE will be re-broadcast on Wednesday, June 20 at 11 pm on Manhattan Neighborhood Network's Channel 34/78 (Time Warner) and RCN channel 109/112.

Featuring legendary transgendered punk rocker Jayne County, this work
explores the locale as it informs aesthetic practices, focusing in particular on how sexuality is elaborated in this site and in works made there.

Also appearing are Penny Arcade, Frogie Conga, Taylor Mead, John Vaccaro, Ruby Lynn Rayner, and Ron Vawter.

Wed. June 20, at 11 pm
Time/Warner CHANNEL 34/78
RCN Channel 109/112

"Stemming the tide of cultural amnesia" - Penny Arcade"