Transform Columbus Day, October 2002

Guido writes "

A call to action for a convergence of total liberation against colonialism -- against the celebration of genocide -- against Columbus Day in Denver, Colorado 2002.

Comrades. Our world is in flames.

And there is an entity with many names responsible for this.

Some call it a machine with no engines. Some call it a demon -- infecting the meek. Some call it leviathan -- devouring worlds. Some call it a god -- at war with the goddess. Its names are endless, but there is one thing for sure. It will stop at nothing in its annihilation of all things truthful.

Its current publicized manifestation of global capitalism is just another face . A new battle -- in an old war. But it grows weak, and as any empire expands, it reaches its limit. The industrious rebels find its cracks, and exploit them for all they are worth.

One thing is certain, this empire is on the brink of collapse.

Where we go from here lies within our hands.

Through, Seattle, to Prague to Quebec, to Genoa, we have resisted this menace. And now, with one last stretch for glory, to go down in a blaze, the emperor declares war on “terrorism.” And begins the death of all kind. Comrades, time is running out, and the powers that be know it. Now is the time to become subjects in history, not merely objects.

Christopher Columbus has again come back to haunt us; as the emperor speaks in twisted logic of the war of “western civilization with the savages.” The cowboys indeed plan to ride again. And their targets of conquest are endless.

Last year, in Denver, CO the Knights of Columbus, and friends spoke of the same tradition. “Our heritage” they said. “What a better way to show our remorse for the dying and dead in New York then to celebrate our countries great heritage -- Columbus.”

And yet it all looks so bleak. History again, repeating itself, a new name for the old war. Genocide and Ecocide, a hatred of wimmin, the enslavement of people with darker skin, the exploitation of class, power over, indeed the “wrath of god” and his civilization.

We plead with you comrades! Now is the time, not beg, but demand, create a new world!

Please make plans Join us in Denver, Colorado in October for a convergence unlike any ‘anti-capitalist’ convergence before. The birthplace of the absurd celebration of genocide and the systematic annihilation of all things wild will host its death. We are standing on our feet, and we demand more! We will initiate a week-long convergence that will attack and confront colonialism and our internalized white supremacy and patriarchy. We hope for this convergence to initiate a new trend within the anarchist movement -- To create a movement for TOTAL LIBERATION -- for anarchy! We will stand as participants and allies with our comrades in struggle against not only Columbus Day, but the very system that perpetuates colonialism and domination. We will humble ourselves if asked by our allies, and we will strike with fury and passion when needed. We will make our lives truly reflect our visions for a society without domination! For a society of truth and beauty, we must demand no less than our wildest dreams!

Comrades Now is the Time to live! And create life!

Bring all of your most wild and intense projects! Bring all of your most important demands! Sisters and brothers we must reject the totality of our most internalized domination. We must create a new and better way. Let Denver be the staging grounds for this. The future is in our hands.

For true and total freedom, for a reconnection to all life, for total liberation- for anarchy.

- - -In October.

The Beltane collective

To endorse the action and/or make plans of your own event at the convergence email:

Mile High Resistance

Anti-Capitalist Convergence"