Addio Lugano Bella

Farewell beautiful Lugano my sweet land, driven away guiltlessly the anarchists are leaving, and they set off singing with hope in their heart. It is for you exploited for you workers that we are handcuffed just like criminals. Yet our ideal is but an ideal of love. Anonymous comrades friends who remain the social truths do spread like strong people. This is the revenge that we ask of you. And you who drive us away with an infamous lie, you bourgeois republic will be ashamed one day. Today we accuse you in the face of the future. Ceaselessly banished we will go from land to land promoting peace and declaring war, peace among the oppressed war to the oppressors. Helvetia, your government makes itself someone else's slave, a brave people's traditions it offends and insults the legend of your William Tell. Farewell dear comrades friends of Lugano farewell white snowy Ticinese mountains the knight-errants are dragged to the North.