wsis update

1. background to conf/ITU/UNESCO 2. Jurisdiction - FTAA, WIPO, GATS, TRIPS, ICANN, EU directives 3. Strategy; redfinitio of ip as trade issue 5. Attitude of Biz ccbi/icc, US - Infrastructure, Formazione, Sicurezza. 4. Cybercrime treaty/ crim provisions, NET, FTA, bilaterals, ICANN, Floss, Cassa. 5. Linking themes which are connected to a society with information and communications at the centre of production. 6. Practices, not just claims. Conference to elaborate a discussion on themes ignored within the official framework. 7. Paris, Metallolab 5a Official 6. Cris 7. Geneva03 8. layers 9. Why Go? Constuitutive moment share skills relaunch a discussion outside of the pattern of summit-hopping experiment with decentralized mode of organizing capitalize on public attention to raise consciousness aropund issues such as IP/precarity access to communications workers outside of the west 3-400 delegates related to cris, 8-10,000 delegates for summit 1. BBC Announcement about archives He said the new online service was part of the corporation's future, or "second phase", strategy for the development of digital technology. Mr Dyke said he believed this second phase would see a shift of emphasis by broadcasters. Their focus would move away from commercial considerations to providing "public value", he said. "I believe that we are about to move into a second phase of the digital revolution, a phase which will be more about public than private value; about free, not pay services; about inclusivity, not exclusion. "In particular, it will be about how public money can be combined with new digital technologies to transform everyone's lives." 2. Controversy over WIPO meeting on FLOSS 2a. Aggressive posture adopted by the uS State Department on orders of copyright industry 2b. Meanwhile announcements about Munich and Brazil 2c Software Patents Directive 2d Litigation commence against P2p users Microsoft had threatened to boycot WSIS if "Open Source" was so much as mentioned in the WSIS Declaration of Principles and Plan of Action. 3. Refusal to establish separate fund to finance digital divide program. Today, 16th July, a governmental sub-group constituted of the governments of China, Egypt, Canada, Mexico, San Salvador and the USA was formed to look at issues of Human Rights, the “Right to Communicate” and Cultural Rights. Egypt blocked a European proposition to introduce a freedom to communicate. China, presumably, is responsible for the exclusion of HRIC. Opposition to Libya's role in the Human Rights trade led to the exclusion of RSF. 4. Concentration US Italy 5. No threat to ICAANN despite some efforts in that direction Exclusions HRIC RSF Bureaucratic obstacles to registration etc. 4. Delays in actual process 5. counter/ Alternate summit 6. Environment - basel action network or the silicon valley toxics, Soenke 7. Role of Migrant labour and migrant subsistence 8. CS to draft their own declaration out of exasperation with official process Stress shift from the state centered vision of the 1970s to communications from below. ]. Other events UNESCO: symposium with Nobel laureates UN: world forum on electronic media World Bank: InfoDev symposium UN ICT task force: various initiatives CRIS focus groups on: IP, Info-Sec, Access, Media Diversity and Development Polymedia Lab Stuff Radio - Plureil Zazieweb Hipatia (Argentina) Pirate pride European Headquarters of MS are in Rome. Hackitectura - we seize! a bidirectional internet antena. we are not 100% sure we will be able, but if we eventually can, we would need a place to set it up, a roof... close to the media center. a strong pole to fix it... Oekonux discussion il 23 novembre l'italian linux society organizza il LinuxDay, Testing Media Carta and there's a 'we seize' posting here: and a world forum on communication rights posting here: You extracted: 1.Social factory, IP as legal relation that taxes health and 'leisure, IP as fetter on self-valorization initiatives 2. Agreement on Basic Telecommunications and Accounting Rate Mechanism (where the porno story fits it). 3. The difference between networks and coalitions (which I wanted to discuss with you anyhow). 4. History of the ITU 5. The quote from the Department of State Bulletin accurately predicting the future! I’ve no problem with the dropping of 4. 5 could go in as a footnote? 2 could go in as a footnote. 3. I can survive without even if it means leaving out the representation question, which I am loathe to do. 1.though really should be fitted in, not least because it has been the site of considerable anguish on my part and the source of all the delays that have driven you round the bend. Furthermore I think it’s a really important insight and as I mentioned on the phone, Dyer Witherford/Bettig etc. show the limits of bog--standard application of 'Marxist' schemas, fixated only on the labour relation and not the more general social pattern. Capital is a logic and form of social relationship, not just isolated instances of unfair exchange. The self-valorization stuff indicates the antagonistic potential of p2p and leapfrogs the innovation claims of Lessig et al. It's also a nice lead in to other discussions about general intellect and illustrates the use of layers model. From: Alan Toner Date: Wed May 14, 2003 4:47:06 PM Europe/Rome To: jamie king Subject: Re: article Hi Jamie, You asked for it, and I have small suspicion that this may not be the kind of help you desired, but hell.....! Here are the paragraphs relevant to the social factory. They were in the introduction,. ========= "At a collective level, intellectual property privileges enable monopoly pricing -- ripping off consumers -- by barring competition. They also ensure that whilst the tools of production and distribution - hardware, software and networks - become accessible to wider parts of the population, control of the market shifts to the informational inputs in production - the digital artisan may own her own tools but never the object of her own manufacture. Likewise trade secret law constrains the movement of knowledge and prevents the free use of individual capacities. On a systemic level copyright affects collective political discourse by exacerbating concentration of ownership in media because those with large inventories enjoy lower production costs, whereas newcomers can be shut out simply by a refusal to license; the outcome is a narrower range of views and the subordination of communicative practices to business models. Overall, intellectual property rules manifest the diffusion of exploitation in modern social factory, taxing our access to health, self-development and leisure rather than simply extracting surplus from labour. The non-rivalrous nature of information -- use by one doesn't diminish availability to another – network-driven decline in communications cost, and cheap commodity hardware enable new realms of cooperation where human labour is central. GNU/Linux, Kuro5hin, Indymedia, SETI, and filesharing networks such as eDonkey and Kazaa are just a few of the outcomes of this protean productive force composed through the voluntary cooperation of network prod-users. A key benefit of the peer-based production model limned above is that volunteer labour goes where it is most competent -- bypassing the inefficiencies of task allocation through firms or price signals -- and goes only where it's willing. Such spaces of free association constitute a significant terrain of individual freedom. Although this voluntary labour and its fruits are partially appropriated by capitalism, these practices are nonetheless concrete experiences of self-valorization, where participants appropriate the tools and knowledge of production and employ them to their own ends in a sort of triumph of use over exchange. Intellectual property laws limit or attempt to crush the potential of this mode of production by narrowing the range of inputs available to be refined or repurposed by all. " -------- You already have the phrase 'Accounting rate Mechanism' bracketed for a not and here is what you can compose the note from, it includes the stuff on porno ......: "Elsewhere the revenue-sharing 'Accounting Rate Mechanism' instituted by the ITU has been discarded. This term refers to the calculation by which telephone companies divide income from calls between the county of origin and that in which it is received. Until recently this figure was 50% of a fictitious fixed rate, distinct from both cost of provision or charge to the user. This system once constituted an important source of income for developing countries -- in 1996 the United States, for example, had a deficit of 5.6 billion dollars, much of which flowed to poor neighboring countries. From 1997 the FCC announced a reduced accounting rate, practically capping the amounts transferred. Although the ITU responded with an alternative proposal in 1999, it was by this time too late and many countries had adopted the FCC system (xxx). "(xxx) Interestingly legal restraints on the domestic market for sex-lines in the US catalyzed the use of innovative routing mechanisms via peripheral nations such as Guyana, who receives up to 40% of its Gross Domestic Product from such calls. See Frederick E. Allen "When Sex Drives Technological innovation and Why It has to", ================= The paragraph before the section entitled "The Kinder Face of Military Humanism" should include the following or rather a stylish abbreviation therof: "Having redefined IP as a trade issue and exhausted the immediate opportunities presented by the GATT, knowledge industries and the US government then moved policy back to WIP where the level of protection was once again ratcheted up in two treaties in 1996 (The World Copyright Treaty and the World Performers and Phonographs Treaty). Even this event however witnessed a steeling of developing countries position and the end of the multilateral trojan horse was nigh. Fused with frustration at the refusal by many states to go beyond formal compliance with TRIPS (leading arch-lobbyist and former head of the US Patents and trademarks Office, Bruce Lehman, to baldly state "TRIPS has been a terrible failure") the US has returned once again to coercive bilateral deals, whose ideal protectionist template is provided by the recent Free Trade Agreement with Singapore. For many accustomed to the association of the WTO with satanic acts, it is urgent to understand that the place of the game has changed. Lastly, the last paragraph before "Conference without a content" should continue: No conflict then with programs such as the recently launched 'Digital Freedom Initiative' administered by USAID with their 'partners' Cisco and Hewlett Packard, guided by the approach outlined by Secretary of Commerce Donald Evans: ""Our solution is free enterprise and free markets. We know that the miracle of capitalism is that in an environment of free enterprise the spirit of competition takes hold, leading to more innovation, which leads to economic growth, which leads to higher standards of living, which leads to quality of life, which leads to a world that lives peace and prosperity." David Carney, Bush Administration Announces Digital Freedom Initiative ===== oh and footnote Benkler's layer argument with the following cite Yochai Benkler, From Consumers to Users: Shfiting the Deeper Structures of Regulation Towards Sustainable Commons and User Access, 52 Fed. Comm. L.J. 561 (2000)