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Picked up a couple of interesting items data-wise in recent days. The first is by Debord: "In girum imus nocte et consumimur igni", Simar Films, 1978, B&W 35mm (100'), narrated in french with Italian subtitles. I am unaware as to whether an english language version exists, but Ken Knabb's translation of the soundtrack can be found here. Another Debord work. "On the Passage of a Few Persons Through a Rather Brief Period of Time", Dansk-Fransk Experimentalfilmskompagni, 1959 , B&W 35mm (20') is slowly creeping its way down my edonkey channel - fingers crossed. I already have both "Society of the Spectacle" and "Refutation of all judgements whether for or against, which have been brought to date on the film Society of the Spectacle", Simar Films, 1975, B&W 35mm (25'). I also have a film made by Brigitte Cormand in collaboration with GD, and broadcast posthumously on Canal +, titled "Guy Debord: Son Art, Son Temps". Not Bored insistes that the whole operation was a scam designed to raise reveune for Debord's lover to emancipate her from working after his departure (via suicide). Notwithstanding this coda, I watched the movie and found sections of it pretty interesting. In the eighties he had a series of written collaborations with L'Encyclopedie des Nuisances", whose raison d'etre was to ensure the continued survival of the human species - marked of a critique of capitalism strongly influenced by ecological considerations - the footage of pollution and devestation in the former Soviet Union etc is telling. Apart from Debord there are also a couple of films by Rene Vienet "Can the Dialectic Break Bricks" and the "Girls of Kanmare"; I've the latter in digital and the former on VHS. Isidour Isou contributes the last little pearl to this miscellany of experimental film "Venom and Eternity" was made in 1950, at the height of the Lettrist period when he and Debord were still pals.