Fight against the Terror in Nandigram, Build your Own Independent and United Struggle
Fight against the Terror in Nandigram, Build your Own Independent and United Struggle
A fugitive criminal is ruling roost in Nandigram, directing a huge armed force of
party cadres. A police officer waves and gives a beaming smile to the criminal while
passing by in his jeep — a picture familiar in today’s ‘peaceful’ Nandigram. A group
of socially established intellectuals were prohibited from proceeding towards
Nandigram on the basis of Government’s directive a day before the Panchayat polls.
If this is the treatment meted out to the people belonging to the higher ranks of social
hierarchy, one can easily imagine the tremendous threatening, intimidating and
terrorized situation in which the toiling masses of Nandigram are striving to live. You
have to work for CPIM, participate in their party processions and if you defy, you will
be confined in your home with broken limbs. If one dares to raise a voice of protest,
houses will be set to fire, the protesting people will simply ‘disappear’. There seems
to be no other way with both the police and the administration not merely being silent
observers but party to this mayhem organized by CPIM. The women are pleading
desperately to the central army and the CRPF officers for protection. What a picture
of Nandigram are we witnessing! Today’s Nandigram is indeed terrorized by the
nexus of CPIM, police and administration. What we witnessed during the Panchayat
elections is just a continuation of the terror unleashed since last November. Even the
CRPF officers have not been spared from the threats by CPIM leaders. The
continuous description of terror, beatings, violence, rapes .…wails, screams and
groans — is this the only picture that characterize Nandigram?
No, the above picture is just one aspect of Nandigram. Nandigram signifies
protests; it signifies spontaneous resistance by the peasantry. Nandigram stands as
a symbol of resistive struggle against the attack of the ruling class. One has to
remember that Nandigram is not merely represented by the incident of 14th of March,
2007. The real Nandigram revealed itself when a small procession of 40-50 people
with a martyr’s dead body turned spontaneously into a 40-45 thousand odd peoples’
spontaneous protest rally on the 16th of March that drove out the perpetrators of
violence, the party vandals from Sonachura and gained control over the village. The
CPIM thugs who are on the carnage today had to flee to save themselves; the police
were forced to escape and take shelter in the confines of school premises. The
government was forced to bow down in the wake of this united resistance by
thousands of land labourers and peasants. Where has that Nandigram disappeared?
Has that Nandigram been completely vanquished by the terror of CPIM? No,
Nandigram is struggle and resistance personified — it can never die. The struggle
continues to live within the fighting people, amidst the workers, peasants and toiling
masses. Yet a question looms — why did such a situation evolve?
It has to be understood that the fighting mass of Nandigram failed to retain their
power of united resistance within their control. The struggling people started losing
their power and ability out of their own volition, from the moment they started
submitting themselves in the hands of the parties. Perhaps they were under the
illusion that it would be possible to re-exert themselves through the power of the
parties in the forthcoming Panchayat elections. This marks the reason for their
failure, the reason for backtracking — not exposed earlier but has become clear in
this phase of ongoing bloody violence. However, this is not the end, this cannot be
the end. People of Nandigram will definitely take lessons from history to revive and
restore their unity and struggle.
Friends, CPIM has compelled us to chose between parties — either you are on
‘our’ side or ‘theirs’ which simply means that either you belong to CPIM or to the
Trinamul. Are we such powerless, inanimate pawns in the hands of the stinking
representatives of the ruling class? No, not at all. CPIM, Trinamul, Congress and the
various other horses of the same stable do not represent West Bengal. Within this
West Bengal an embryo of a new West Bengal, a new India is gradually emerging
from the struggle of the workers, peasants and the toiling masses. A West Bengal of
workers and peasants is burgeoning from the fights that are striving to establish an
independent and autonomous struggle and organisation by completely detaching
from the clutches of the established old parties. The ruling class and CPIM are
scared of this spontaneous resistance by the workers and peasants and that is why
they are determined to bulldoze these struggles. This explains the continued
violence in Nandigram.
Raise your voice of protest against the terror unleashed by the CPIM in
connivance with the police and administration. However, it is just not enough to
protest against the terror, murders, rapes and inhuman torture. One has to stand for
the new socio-political awakening, extend active support towards the emerging
struggle and organization of wor kers and peasants. You will have to be an architect
in building your own organization, in your factories or farmlands. Gather strength to
fight against each and every onslaught of the ruling class; build up the power to
resist. And this is how you can give a fitting reply to the onslaught of violence in
Sramik Sangram Committee