Festive Assembly to Push Back the Privatizers and Save Union Square, New York City

Denizens of New York, WHAT: Festive Assembly to Push Back the Privatizers and Save Union Square! WHEN: June 5th at 5:00pm WHERE: Northwest Corner of Union Square Park Bloomberg and his cronies have a vision of New York City where parks are for-profit, people are squeezed out of public spaces, and free assembly is made nearly impossible. Their plans to privatize Union Square Park were "approved" through a rigged process that steamrolled widespread opposition, and then hastily implemented in order to foster a sense of inevitability and despair. But the privatizers have over-reached! They tried to sidestep the law, but a judge stepped in and said "Wait a Second!" The plans are currently on hold, and the future is uncertain. Now it is OUR time to blow the lid off this scam and PUSH BACK THE PRIVATIZERS! On June 5th, at 5:00pm, the Union Square Partnership (the schemers behind the scam) will hold their annual back-slapping, self-congratulation dinner, just a block or two off the park. We will gather at the Northwest corner for a raucous rally and celebration of Free People Freely Assembled in Public Space! Expect marching bands, a "Heroes of Union Square Walking Tour," community visioning sessions, and soapbox preaching. Expect surprises and spectacles and a glimpse of what the city CAN be! Come out and meet your neighbors in the square and defend the public's right to public space! To find out more, and see what more you can do visit saveunionsquare2008@blogspot.com