Temporary Media Lab for Tactical Media, Amsterdam, September 12–22, 2002

A Temporary Media Laboratory for Tactical Media

@ Imagine IC in Amsterdam Southeast

September 12–22, 2002

Opening Program: Thursday September 12 18.00 hrs

Imagine IC - Bijlmerplein 1006 - 1008 Amsterdam

Full Program and Workshop descriptions can be found on the Next 5 Minutes

Website Imagine IC


Imagine IC, the new centre for the visual representation of migration and
cultures, is the location for a temporary public media laboratory from
September 12th till 22nd. Open at all times to the wider audience, artists,
campaigners, local and international media makers and activists will develop
and discuss their work for 10 days, hold workshops with local media groups,
present examples, realise live media programs on-line and via radio and tv,
execute various projects. This Tactical Media Laboratory (short: TML) will
the first of an international series of TMLs, organised in various cities,
on different continents.The Amsterdam TML will focus on the relationship between media and migrant

At the heart of our concern is the question who is given a voice in the
contemporary media landscape, and which voices are left out. How can the
individual, as well as the most diverse as possible representation of
and political groups, make their own voice be heard by media?

Workshops and presentations will run continuously around themes such as:
Virtual Shelter, net.radio and Home-Land Connections, GenderChangers: Women
Technology, Migration and Illegality, Wireless Media, and the Power of
Testimony. The TML is the joint effort of a large number of artists and
groups, amongst others: ambient tv, ASCII, De Balie, Harwood, dyne.org, Waag
Society, RAZO, NYU Center for Media, Culture and History, Gender Changers
Academy, expertbase.net, ghetto.ru, Paradox, Salto, and many more.

All of the following workshops and presentations are open to the public, and
are free of charge:

Virtual Shelter

First Public Meeting Thursday Sept 12 14.00-18.00

Midpoint Public Review Thursday Sept 19 18.00-21.00

Final Public Meeting Saturday Sept 21 12.00-16.00

Virtual Shelter is an initiative in which a group of refugees will be
on a long term project with Imagine IC, Paradox, and the Amsterdam Tactical
Media Lab to develop an online environment for refugees. This will be a
where refugees can network together privately, access vital information and,
a more symbolic level, become a space for personal testimony.

Migration and Illegality

How the Schengen Information System Works Friday Sept 20 18.00-21.00

Debate and Discussion Saturday Sept 21 18.00-21.00

How can illegal people tell their own stories while still remaining
to the authorities? What can be done against the systems used to catagories
register people, such as Schengen Information System, a huge database in
Strasbourg containing files on illegal immigrants? One presentation will
this Schengen system, while a debate will ask these and other important

Wireless Networks

Outdoor Wireless Action: Koopavond ZO Thursday Sept 12 18.00-21.00

Outdoor Wireless Action: (Location TBA) Saturday Sept 14 14.00-17.00

Outdoor Wireless Action: Koopavond ZO Thursday Sept 19 18.00-21.00

Outdoor Wireless Action: (Location TBA) Saturday Sept 21 14.00-17.00

Wireless Tech Workshop Sunday Sept 15 @ Imagine IC: Antenna Building

Wireless Panel Discussion Sunday Sept 15 15.00-18.00

Several tactical implementations of wireless technology will be experimented
with during this media lab, including mobile public access-points placed in
streets during the koopavonds. There will be hands-on workshops (how to
your own antenna) and discussions about the risks (legal and otherwise) of

GenderChangers: Women and Technology

Hardware workshops Every Day 15.00 - 18.00

Basic Audio workshop Tuesday Sept 17 19.00-21.00

Digital Photography workshop Friday Sept 20 19.00-21.00

The GenderChangers Academy will present a series of workshops during the TML
aimed at providing hands-on training for women interested in media
These workshops will include sessions on recording and streaming audio and
video, on DJing and VJing, and on computer hardware and building your own PC
from parts.

Open Media Studio/Internet Radio and Homeland Connections

Every Evening 20.00-22.00

The Open Media Studio provides a free space for personal expression and
communication, using the internet as the connecting medium. Technical
from the ASCII group, RAZO (Radio Zuidoost) and various international guests
will be on hand to make net.radio broadcasts every evening. These broadcasts
operate in connection with the Internet Radio workshop being held at the
studios, which aim to connect local radio makers with their home countries.


Everyone is an Expert workshop Pt 1 Tuesday Sept 17 12.00-17.00

Everyone is an Expert workshop Pt 2 Wednesday Sept 18 12.00-17.00

Expertbase is a site for people, who are not found in any commercial or
official databases. A site for people, who are being ignored by vulgar head-
hunters and usually excluded from the labour market -- either because of
residence permit status or because of their origins, but in the last
because of their unique abilities and singular qualifications.



NINE: walk-in studio Saturday Sept 21 12.00-14.00

NINE: walk-in studio Thursday Sept 19 19.00-21.00

NINE: walk-in studio Monday Sept 16 12.00-16.00

In the last year Graham Harwood worked as artist in residence of Waag
at NINE, a storytelling tool. This is a very user-friendly version of
professional multimediaprogrammes: a basic grid of nine images offers room
personal stories build from pictures, texts, sounds and videoimages.

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