Break the Media Blackout
A Conference on Media Democracy & the Struggle to End Poverty
October 4 - 6, 2002 in Philadelphia
This is a call to all media activists concerned about poverty, all
anti-poverty organizations concerned with making their voices heard, and
anyone otherwise working to make media accessible to everyone. We invite
you to join us in the fight to Break the Media Blackout!The increasing concentration of corporate ownership of our media not only
threatens democracy, it also threatens the very survival of poor people in
the US and globally. The Break the Media Blackout Conference will
strengthen the media skills of grassroots anti-poverty organizations,
allowing them to create and distribute their own media, critically analyze
the mainstream media, and learn more about media democracy issues. The
conference will encourage independent media documentation of economic human
rights violations occurring in the U.S. by connecting media activist
organizations with the emerging movement to end poverty led by the poor.
Go to conference for more information on the conference,
or contact Rachel at or 215/203-1948. If you are
interested offering a workshop at the conference, please see the website for
more information.
This conference is sponsored by the Poor People's Economic Human Rights
Campaign (a national and international campaign of over 50 grassroots
anti-poverty organizations).
Co-sponsors include: Kensington Welfare Rights Union, Human Rights Tech,
Media College of the University of the Poor, Drexel University TV (DUTV),
Philadelphia Community Access Coalition, Media Tank, Prometheus Radio, Deaf
and Deaf-Blind Committee for Human Rights, Philly IMC, Social Welfare Action
Alliance (SWAA)
Hope to see you in October!