<i>Nuclear Resister</i> Newsletter Seeks World Reports of Anti-War Arrests

Nuclear Resister writes:

Arrested for Peace? News of anti-war arrests wanted!

The Nuclear Resister newsletter Nukeresister
reports news of all anti-war and anti-nuclear arrests in North America, and
many around the world. Since 1980, we also encourage international support
for the people jailed as a result of these actions.

We need your help to gather and report this news!

As the United States threatens massive escalation of the war against Iraq,
we know that activists will be arrested in dozens of places around the
country and around the globe as the bombs fall.

Please send us ANY news of anti-war or anti-nuclear arrests in your area,
via email, post, phone or fax (##s below). If you were arrested, tell your
story and what you know of the legal status for yourself and others
arrested. If you saw a news story, send the basic information or a
clipping. We will follow up for necessary details.

Thanks for your help, and for making the news we report.

the Nuclear Resister

POB 43383

Tucson AZ 85733

phone/fax: 520-323-8697

e-mail: Nuke Resister

About the Nuclear Resister:

The Nuclear Resister began publishing in 1980, originally to provide
information about and encourage support for the women and men jailed as a
result of anti-nuclear civil disobedience.

Since the Gulf War against Iraq in 1991, the Nuclear Resister newsletter
has also included comprehensive reports of anti-war arrests, including
those resulting from civil disobedience, direct action, conscientious
objection, or as the unintended consequence of other anti-war activity.

In 1990 and 1991, the Nuclear Resister reported over 6,000 anti-war arrests
at more than 225 protests in 27 states, and published the addresses of
scores of imprisoned activists along with the addresses of more than 40
public conscientious objectors who served time in military brigs.

One-hundred-and-thirty consecutive issues have chronicled more than 50,000
anti-nuclear and 12,000 anti-war arrests, and encouraged support for
hundreds of resisters serving prison sentences up to 18 years.

The Nuclear Resister is supported by subscriptions and the generosity of
our readers. Subscriptions are $15/year, (bi-monthly 8-page tabloid).
Bundles of the current issue are available for distribution in classrooms,
at conferences, trainings and protests. Write or e-mail for free sample issue:
the Nuclear Resister

POB 43383

Tucson AZ 85733

e-mail: Nuke Resister

Jack & Felice Cohen-Joppa, editors