"POWER" Conference Planned for Los Angeles, October 25–27, 2002

The "Many Faces of War" conference, was created by
POWER (People Opposing War, Empires and Rulers) and
many other organizations, as a direct response to
educate and empower people to make informed decisions
about the many different war's being waged all over
the world.

The three-day conference is totally FREE of

charge, each night of the conference we will hold a
variety of musical benefit shows, all $$$ that is made

will go towards groups participating in the
conference, and Arts In Action.

The conference is an anarchist/anti-authoritarian
perspective on war, it will focus on growing political

repression due to war, racism, immigration,
patriotism, community organizing, anarchist history,
and the overall effect that war has on regular people,

it will also be a time that we are able to come
together and speak to one another on what ordinary
people can do to promote an anti-war and
anti-authoritarian political movement together, within

their own community. We want a better world, one
without hierarchy, imperialists, or empires. We want a

new world, and we are hoping that through education
and action we are able to achieve that common goal
that binds us all together. "In all wars the object is to protect or to seize
money, property and power, and there will always be
wars so long as Capital rules and oppresses people."
- Ernst Friedrich, War Against War (1924)

POWER - People Opposing War, Empires & Rulers
"The Many Faces of War, An Anarchist Perspective on

WHEN: Friday Oct. 25 - Sunday Oct. 27

WHERE: Arts in Action

LOCATION: 4th floor of 1919 7th Street, Los Angeles CA


CALL: 949-436-1188

EMAIL: Socalpower@wearepower.org

WEBSITE: http://www.wearepower.org

Volunteers are needed, Please contact us if you are
able to help out!!


FRONT: http://www.wearepower.org/front.pdf

BACK: http://www.wearepower.org/back.pdf

"Freedom is what we make of it. If we stand against
repression, authority and illegitimate structures, we
are expanding the domain of freedom and that's what
freedom will be. That's what we create; there is
nothing to define in words."
-- Noam Chomsky


*Most workshops will be translated into Spanish*

- ROTC/JROTC Recruitment - Mike Novick Anti-Racist

- Amerikan history?s B side: White Supremacy, Violence

and Genocide - MCAlienmindcontrol

- Colonialism & Racism - Mike Novick Anti-Racist

- Aspects of Environmental destruction due to war -

- Immigrants Know Your Rights - Los Jovenes

- U.S Foreign Policy - Frank Dorrel

- War and its effect on Unions - Jim Smith, LA Labor

- Tribal History of War - Ben Axiom

- US Military Intervention in South America - Don
White from Committee in Solidarity with the People of
El Salvador (CISPES)

- War and it's effect on Indigenous people of the
Americas - Lupe Lopez from Alianza Indigena

- Iranian Women?s Movement Against War - Chantel,
Maryam, Yassamin from Iranian Women's Liberation Party


- The Fight for Palestine - Tamara Rettino & Garrick
Ruiz from International Solidarity Movement

- Afghanistan One Year Later - Sonali Kolhatkar from
Afghan Women?s Mission/RAWA

- The 2nd Colonialization of The Americas - Comite
Zapatista De Los Angeles

- Globalization & War - Hasan Hasan & Beth from POWER

- Post 9/11 effects on immigrants - Hasan Hasan

- Anarchist History & War - Panel including Chris
Crass, Ericka, Matt Hart, Sam

- September 11

- Political Prisoners / Prisoners of War - ABCF LA

- Self Defense - Colin & Gina

- Direct Action/Civil Disobedience

- Challenging White Supremacy - Kerry Levenberg, Amie
Fishman and Chris Crass

- Indian & Pakistan Conflict - Liberation Alliance

- Women's perspective on War - POWER

- Campus Anti-War organizing - Afghan Students Union

- Iraqi Sanctions - Voices in the Wilderness & Nuclear

Age Peace Foundation

- Plan Puebla Panama - Comite Zapatista De Los Angeles

- Border Issues

- Invest in Caring not Killing - Wages for House Work

- Linkage between the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict and

the U.S. reinvasion of Iraq - Women in Black

- The Theater of Protest, Dissecting Resistances - The

Journal of Aesthetics and Protest


- Arts in Action

If you would like to be involved in this conference,
help give a workshop/suggest a workshop, or help out
in any way please feel free to get in touch with us.
Volunteers are needed, Please contact us if you are
able to help out!! Also if you are in need of housing,

please get in touch with us, and we can help you out.
Socalpower@wearepower.org or call 949-436-1188 or
check out http://www.wearepower.org

Also if you are interested in tabling, or selling
times (Vendors) at the conference, please email or
call us

FRIDAY OCT 25 7:00 - Midnight - Opening Party, Hip
Hop, Rap, along w/ Spoken Word

10:00 - 11:30 Workshops

11:30 - 12:30 Lunch/Plenary

12:30 - 2:00 Workshops

2:00 - 2:30 Plenary

2:30 - 4:00 Workshops

4:00 - 5:00 Panel Discussion


7:00-Midnight Rave/Dance Party w/ DJ, Benefit Show


11:00 - 12:30 Workshops

12:30 - 1:00 Plenary

1:00 - 2:30 Workshops

3:00 - 7:00 Movie showing and outdoor activity at
MacArthur Park, children?s events, street theater,
Jazz music

8:00-Midnight Womyns Bands and eclectic music
Benefit show

"...ironically, perhaps, the best organized dissenters

in the world today are anarchists, who are busily
undermining capitalism while the rest of the left is
still trying to form committees."
--Jeremy Hardy, the Guardian (UK)


** Mission Statement

The September 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Centre
(WTC) and the Pentagon by suicide bombers, leading to over
3,000 deaths have grabbed world attention.

We anarchists, and anti-authoritarians condemn the attacks
and extend our condolences to the families of those injured or
killed. The death of thousands of ordinary civilians - including
many ordinary workers - is not acceptable. The use of civilian
aircraft for such an operation is authoritarian and coercive and
shows the contempt of terrorists for human life.

It also shows that the terrorists are anti-working class:
attacking people just because they are "American" regardless
of their class position is reactionary and xenophobic.

At the same time as we oppose the terrorism of the bombers,
we oppose equally the terrorism of all states, especially the US
government. This capitalist military-industrial machine has
been involved in more than 216 armed interventions against
other countries and regions. We condemn any and all attempts
by the Bush regime to use the attacks of 9-11 as an excuse for
war against Afghanistan or any other country that is deemed to
be a "terrorist" regime or part of the "axis of evil" by calling
them that the Bush Administration is clearly trying to gather
and build public support for a huge military campaign in those
regions of the world. If those countries cannot be tied to the
acts of 9-11 in any sort of way, then they are subjected to US
"rule" that silently threatens that no state, except for the US is
allowed to buy or construct "weapons of mass destruction. The
main victims of the type of war the Bush Administration is
planning will be ordinary people, workers and peasants. It will
be the millions of children, like those of Iraq, Palestine and
Afghanistan who are already suffering in the Middle East, it
will be the the farms, homes, hospitals, and schools that have
been built and cultivated by families and communities over
many generations. The ruling elite in those countries will be
mostly unaffected because they have the money to hide and to
protect themselves. Bush and the US elite were hardly affected
by the WTC attacks, equally, the Jihad, Mojaheddin, and
Taliban groups will also be unaffected.

We oppose, will organize and speak out in clear voice against
any attempt by the US capitalist class to build a global
"anti-terror" coalition or to increase their repressive powers.
We are against the Bush campaigns of:

* extending police powers of arrest and surveillance

* Increasing military spending

* Increasing spending on intelligence services such as the

* Building a US-led global military force against "terrorism"

The American people are still rattled by the destruction of the
World Trade Center towers and part of the Pentagon. They are
afraid that the U.S. still hasn't found Osama bin Laden. There
are many in the Bush Administration who are taking advantage
of this fear and exploiting the tragedy of 9-11, the
administration want to use this fear to start a war against
countries all over the world whom they claim are part of the
"axis of evil". Remember: there is absolutely no connection
between Any of these countries and the September 11th
terrorists. But Bush is apparently planning a war anyway.
Troop buildups are starting and a war could start later this year.
To do this Bush will have to come up with reasons for a war,
and so we can expect to see his Administration provoking and
manipulate the regions he is planning on attacking and use the
corporate media once again to aide him in this cause. President
George W. Bush will also need to convince the rest of the
world that another war is needed, the administration is already
doing that by spreading propaganda and lies regarding the
different countries in the region he is planning on attacking.
We oppose the Rulers and "leaders" in the countries who are
planning on using the 9-11 horrific incident to bring forth an
international witch hunt and cause for millions in the world to
suffer. These leaders, are the leaders in the interests of the
wealthy, the corporate globalists,the imperialists, the
nationalist, the racists, and those that pay them. They could
care less about the poor, the un-influential, the workers, the
ones suffering the most, the ones who will be directly effected
by a war.

Let our voices be heard loud and clear together, let us work
with one another and build with one another a world in which
our communities stand together in unity and wage
international empowerment without borders or nationalities
blinding us. Think globally and act locally.

So Who Are We?

For the most part we are Youth, Students,workers, parents,
sons and daughters..plain people! from all over the US who
want to work with one another in this anti-war movement, in
our communities and schools from an anti-authoritarian

We believe that the main task as anarchists during this period
is to speak out, educate ourselves, and organize ourselves in an
effort to stop the US war drive, growing political repression,
and to fight racism against ordinary people who are wrongly
blamed for the attacks. People of color are the ones directly
affected during this time, and will continue to be attacked even
when we are told this war is over.

We ALSO call for support for Middle Eastern, North African,
Central/South Asian and Indonesian workers against the
fundamentalists. These goals can only be accomplished
through mass action by the working class itself.

Our Demands:

* We call on US soldiers - particularly those from the
oppressed minorities in the US - to refuse to fight Bush's
imperialist and capitalist war

* Community based grassroots anti-war organizing and

* We call for a campaign of rolling mass action - in both
East and West -against Bush's war

* We call for proletarian risings in the Muslim world against
capitalism, fundamentalism, terrorism and the US attacks

* Freedom and democracy for Palestine/ Israel and
withdrawal of all US forces from the Middle East

* No compromise to our rights as individual human beings.
We refuse to sit still and live in a police state

* We call on workers, activist and revolutionaries to mobilize
against the war, and all consequences and actions that are
taken by this war working class action and working class

Our group is a National organization and network of people,
working towards ending the US War Drive. Our efforts are both
through local and global communities by education and
actively promoting and exposing the truth about the injustice
and oppression causes by US militarism. We are a purely
grassroots, community based organization. We are open to all
who are working on peace and justice, we are non sectarian,
non sectarian, and non hierarchical and work to build a strong
decentralized national network of people working together who
oppose the US military war drive and to help empower
ourselves and each other in doing activism and organizing
around these issues. We would like to encourage more people
nationwide to get involved, hold meetings and start organizing.

We are dedicated on working with our Middle Eastern brothers
and sisters not just by telling them how to organize but actually
by listening and working along with Middle Eastern cultural
groups and Islamic centers in educating ourselves and one
another, and building a strong resistance against the war and
US military occupation.

We Are Dedicated To:

* Community empowerment based on grassroots, non
sectarian, non hierarchical, decentralized education and
anti-war organizing

* Solidarity work with targeted organizations and people who
have been effected by the Patriot Act

* Community Education on the diverse cultures and
histories in the Middle East, and the countries who are being
targeted by the US War Machine

* Community Education on U.S. militarism and imperialism
in the Middle East and around the world

* Community Education on the impact of U.S. militarism on
life within the U.S.especially for working-class people and
people of color

* Solidarity work with immigrants living in the US who are
being harassed, jailed, or in some cases deported because of
their race, religion or country of origin

* Challenge white supremacy and patriarchy inside and
outside our activist movement

* Build and support creative non-violent and direct action
Affinity group projects nationwide

* Demand diversity and autonomy in organizing

* Campaign against ROTC centers on campuses, and any
other War research that goes on our local campuses

* Mobilize students and youth of all ages to learn more,
challenge, and confront those that support and direct the US
War Machine

* Educate on the practice and benefits of direct democratic
and anarchistic forms of decision-making