Call Montreal’s 6th Annual International Anarchist Theatre Festival
The Montreal International Anarchist Theatre Festival (MIATF), the only theatre festival in the world dedicated to showcasing anarchist theatre, is currently seeking submissions to be staged in May 2011.
Application deadline for the Montreal International Anarchist Theatre Festival: January 20, 2011.
The MIATF is looking for English or French plays and monologues, from 5 to 30 minutes long, on the theme of anarchism or any subject pertaining to anarchism, i.e. against all forms of power including the State, capitalism, war, alienation, critiques of salaried work, etc.
We will also consider pieces exploring ecological, social and economic justice, race, class and gender from an anarchist perspective.
The MIATF offers local audiences an opportunity to see world class, socially engaged theatre of different forms. Past Festivals have featured:
from the United States, The Living Theatre, The Bread & Puppet Theatre, The Flat Earth Theatre
from Paris, Nicolas Mouret, Monique Surel (author of Au temps de l’anarchie, un théâtre du combat) and Maylis Bouffartigue
from Québec, Norman Nawrocki, Joseph Shragge and Bruno Massé among others.
The MIATF is an all-volunteer production. It provides lodging and assumes the cost of meals for out-of-town artists.
Companies and artists who wish to have their work considered should fill out and send in the downloadable application form online:
Please send by email to:
Or by mail to:
Montreal International Anarchist Theatre Festival
C.P. 266, Succ. ‘C’
Montreal, QC H2T 4K1