Anarchist Prisoners Placed in the Hole

Anarchist Prisoners' Legal Aid Network writes "On Tuesday January 7, 2002, Misconduct Reports were delivered to anarchist prisoners Rob los Ricos (Robert Thaxton) and Brian McCarvill at Oregon State Penitentiary (OSP). They were subsequently transferred to Disciplinary Segregation ("The Hole"). Rob was written up for "Disobedience of an Order I" and "Unauthorized Organization I"; we assume that Brian's charges are similar and he has also been sent to the Hole. Rob now expects "4 months in a box" and both Rob and Brian may be transferred to another Oregon Department of Corrections (ODOC) institution.

Brian McCarvill is currently involved in a lawsuit against ODOC staff, challenging their censorship and rejection of anarchist publications. Anarchists are viewed as a gang or Security Threat Group (STG) within ODOC. The circle A symbol is considered a STG symbol; many radical publications are rejected by ODOC mailroom staff on this basis. Rob made a Declaration in Support of Preliminary Injunction in Brian's lawsuit and was also recently Brian's cellmate at OSP.

To compliment Brian's legal efforts, a postcard campaign was organized by allies on the outside. The postcards featured the anarchist circle A and the message "This is not a gang symbol." These postcards were sent in to Rob and Brian. ODOC's response was to throw them in the Hole.

In addition, Rob has now been falsely labeled a member of the Earth Liberation Front in his Misconduct Report. This serves as a pretext for further harassment of Rob by ODOC prisoncrats and FBI.

Rob Thaxton's Oregon Department of Corrections Misconduct Report for "Disobedience of an Order" and "Unauthorized Organization":
"I am the Security Threat Group Assistant Manager for the Oregon State Penitentiary per OAR 291-069-0040(1)(2)(3). Inmate Thaxton, R. #12112716 has been identified as a member of "Earth Liberation Front" which is a documented Security Threat Group. The Earth Liberation Front is part of the Anarchy movement and was validated by the Oregon Department of Corrections on December 2, 1999. This Misconduct Report is the result of an ongoing investigation which started on November 25, 2002 and has continued through the present date. I have since received 52 of the cards through OSP mail which is referenced below, and 16 are attached with this misconduct report. On 11-25-02 I/M Thaxton was writing an individual on the streets by the name of Dave Negation. Inmate Thaxton makes the following statement: "Hey-Brian (identified as inmate McCarvill, Brian #11037967 who is inmate Thaxton's current cell partner) and I have a task for APLAN (prisoner support group). Remember when I wanted ya'll to send in cards with a big circle A on them and the words "this is not a prison gang symbol!" Well, we want this to happen. Now and continuously." Later on he requests in his statement and he coaches Mr. Negation on how to do this with return address's [sic]. "So that there is no excuse for the prisoncrats to trash them." Through the mail violation process this costs the Department time and money due to the fact that staff are required to process these mail items and pay return postage for each piece of mail. This is an attempt on the part of inmate Thaxton to create a situation which causes an increased workload and financial burden to the Department in an attempt to change the process we use to violate mail. In the past inmate Thaxton has received numerous mail violations for mail that contained Security Threat Group symbols in the form of the circle with the letter "A" inside (Anarchist). This symbol is used specifically by members who are associated with the Anarchist movement. Inmate Thaxton conspired with persons not incarcerated to violate ODOC rules. By doing this he jeopardizes the safety and security and orderly operation of this institution."
Submitted by: C/O J. Birch on 1/07/03

Reviewing Supervisor: Lt. Harlow


As officer-in-charge, I have reviewed the foregoing Report of Misconduct and find that the rule violation(s) is/are of such a serious nature the good order and security of the facility require immediate removal of the inmate and placement in segregation status because: This inmate engaged in an activity that challenged the rules of this institution. He is placed in segregation for restricted confinement because he is a threat to staff and inmates."

Rob is a longtime participant in anarchist movements, whose writings have been published in such journals as Anarchy: A Journal of Desire Armed and Green Anarchist. He is now serving a seven-year mandatory minimum sentence under Oregon's Measure 11 law for throwing a rock at a cop during a Reclaim the Streets event in Eugene, Oregon on June 18, 1999.

Brian McCarvill is a radical social prisoner. His lawsuit against ODOC is being supported by the Anarchist Prisoners' Legal Aid Network (APLAN).

Rob and Brian have both stood up and fought for the anarchist movement and for prisoner access to radical perspectives. APLAN now requests that the movement on the outside does their part to support them. "They're inside for us ­ we're out here for them!"


1. Write letters of support to Rob and Brian (envelopes must contain a full name and return address):

-- Robert Thaxton #12112716

-- Brian McCarvill #11037967

Both at:

Oregon State Penitentiary

2605 State Street

Salem, OR 97310

2. Contact ODOC Interim Director Ben de Hann and OSP Acting Superintendent Brian Belleque. Inquire about Rob and Brian's situation and demand that they be returned to general population at OSP immediately. (Please send copies of all text messages and ODOC responses to APLAN for our records. Contact information below.)
-- Interim Director Ben de Hann

ODOC Central Administration Office

2575 Center Street, NE

Salem, OR 97301-4667

Tel: 503.945.9090

Fax: 503.373.1173

-- Acting Superintendent Brian Belleque

Oregon State Penitentiary

2605 State Street

Salem, OR 97310

Tel: 503.378.2445

Fax: 503.378.3897

The Oregon Department of Corrections may also be emailed at:

3. Donate funds. Rob and Brian will need funds in the coming months for basic expenses (Rob lost his prison job) and to fight ODOC attacks. The Anarchist Prisoners' Legal Aid Network also needs funds to continue and improve its support for Rob, Brian and other imprisoned radicals.
-- Funds for Rob (checks / money orders to "Rob los Ricos") should be sent to:
Rob los Ricos Enterprises

PO Box 50634

Eugene, OR 97405

-- Donations for Brian McCarvill may be sent through APLAN, or as checks / money orders made payable to "DOC for Brian McCarvill #11037967" and sent to:
Central Trust ODOC

PO Box 14400

Salem, OR 97309-5077

-- Funds for APLAN's ongoing prisoner support may be sent as concealed cash, or checks / money orders with "Pay to:" section left blank, to:

818 SW 3rd Ave PMB 354

Portland, OR 97204

Thank you for your support!
Until all are free
APLAN outside support

Anarchist Prisoners' Legal Aid Network
818 SW 3rd Ave PMB 354

Portland, OR 97204