Freespace writes: "last reminder... please spread the WORD!
FREE SPACE FEST: a two day gathering of art, activism, film, theater, and community building
August 31st to Sept. 1st
$25 for both days
At the ethical building, 38 old country rd. in garden city, 3 miles west of meadow brook pkwy. for directions
Artists Contact:
Bands Contact: jay at
During the Fest:
Art Instillation: Local artists will be installing art work on the grounds and in ethical. Bring your own.
DIY Flea Market: bring records, t-shirts, patches, pins, etc. to sell
Theater Performances: a number of theater groups have been contacted, performances to be scheduled.Radical Books for Sale all weekend via the free space crew.
Friday, August 31st:
the insurgent
the cotton weary
adam v.
i am the ressurection
sound of failure
ON THE GRID: one man theater preformance...
5-10pm, $10 (keep checking our website/hotline for more info) FILM: 10pm to all night; ‘Land and Freedom’, a film about the Spanish Civil War will be shown, along with a few b-flicks
Saturday, September 1st:
YOGA for beginners, 11am sharp, with Ginger of Modern Times; learn the basics of yoga for relaxation and better healthFree VEGAN LUNCH; noon, Food Not Bombs style & bring food to share
workshops 1pm to 5pm, each are an hour long, $10 suggested donation
Puppet Making, Frank & Kevin D. of Modern Times, learn the basics of making giant puppets, bring materials and ideas.
The Prison Industrial Complex and the growing prision system.. with the NYC Direct Action Network
What is Capitalism?, Conrad Herold of Hofstra University, Conrad an autonomist Marxist and radical thinker, will discuss a topic on many minds today; this discussion will go into the imposition of work, extraction of profit, history of capitalist relations, and how capitalism works.
Creating Independent Media, Hal of Modern Times, with the onset of major social movements and development of diy culture the need for a ‘peoples’ media has become more apparent. This workshop is the beginning of an indymedia center here on the island. (
Bio-Technology, etc., Mitch Cohen of Brooklyn Greens, this workshop will cover issues surrounding biotechnology, genetic modified organisms, food safety and the increasing corporate control over our food supply and bodies.
Vegan & Vegetarian Nutrition, knowing the basics of nutrition is vital for any vegan or vegetarian. This is an opportunity to make sure that you are getting what you need, or to just bone up on the basics.
Bike Repair 101, riding a bike is one of the best ways to get exercise or to get away from the car culture and support bike based transportation, but in this our bikes break down, in this workshop learn how to fix ‘em. And bring a bike too.
Diy Wymmns Health, hey grrrls reclaim your control over your health, cycle, and bodies. Learn, in a supportive environment, the basics of wymmns health and how to take care of your health needs.
Animal Rights Discussion... topic tba
Rise of the Long Island COMMUNE!
5pm to 7pm, open to all. This is an interactive, participatory demonstration, in a new, revolutionary form of organizing society that builds on directly democratic governments and communes from the Paris Commune, Spanish Civil War and even early US colonial history. Facilitated by Kevin of Modern Times, Chuck Morse of the Institute for Anarchist Studies, Cindy Milstein of the Institute of Social Ecology, and others. Imagine if Long Island was organized by the members of the community form the bottom up. Imagine if we have the opportunity to decide as a community about agriculture, transportation, housing, education and the other aspects of our lives free from corporations, capitalist relations, anti-democratic and oppressive social structures and the state. Here we will host the first popular assembly of the LI Commune, break into groups based on the bio-regions where we live, communicate between local groups, and create a plan to organize our lives and communities.
sometimes walking sometimes running
helen of troy
donna and carly
neil perry
hot cross
superstitions of the sky
(an albatross)
7pm to 10pm, $10
i am the ressurection
more tba.
What is the freespace?
The Long Island Free Space, Inc. is a non-profit organization that will be opening up a membership run diy community center, library, independent media center, book & zine shop, free school, show & performance space, art space, activist center, here on the Island, in 2002. It is a collectively run, participatory project & all are welcome. See website/hotline for meeting schedule, email list and other ways to get involved. This fest is a glimpse of what the freespace will be.
Long Island Free Space, Inc.
38 Old Country Rd. Garden City, NY 11530
Hotline: 516.616.3151
Sponsors: Freespace, LI Students for Peace & Justice, Modern Times Collective, Food Not Bombs.