Charas Eviction Warrant Vacated


Charas writes: "In a court hearing today on an order to show cause,
Civil Court Judge Saralee Evans vacated the warrant of eviction issued
against CHARAS and stated that the warrant clerk who issued a 72 hour
notice on August 23rd had clearly made a mistake. She went on to stay
that there was nothing dark or mysterious about the warrant, that it was
not intentional on the clerks part. She then spoke to Singer's lawyers
about the fact that they went to get a warrant in the first place, after
she had issued a decision barring them from getting a warrant until
December 12th.

Gregg Singers lawyers rewrote the decision when they tried to explain to
Judge Evans her own order. They said they had waited ample time for
payment and that the order stated that they could get a warrant unless
CHARAS paid rent to them the day of the hearing, Aug. 10th. The Judge
was noticeably angry but did not sanction them nor reprimand them. She
said that they will not try this again, that her order was clear that no
warrant would be issued until December 12th, and that there was no due
date for payment of returned rent.

Singers lawyers were then given the certified payments in the court
room, as they have refused them August 10th and have refused them since

The Marshall was again in the back of the courtroom, this time he was
reading regulations concerning liability. Probably because he is
liable. We will meet with the Puerto Rican Legal Defense Fund to see if
there is something we can do."