June 3, 2003 Indigenous People's Rally and Tribunal, Seattle, Washington

Northwest Leonard Peltier Support Network writes:

Indigenous People's and Supporter's Rally, March, Potluck and Tribunal

Seattle, Washington, June 3, 2003

The Law Enforcement Intelligence Unit (LEIU) is holding its annual conference in Seattle, on June 2,3,4,5 and 6th. (see http://www.leiu2003seattle.org/). This conference includes FBI and CIA agents and police intelligence people from around the country. Indigenous people throughout this land have been victims for a long time of the type of people who will be at this conference. Just this month we found out that the Tacoma Intelligence Division has files on the Tacoma LPSG. Under the cover of the tragic events on 9-11, federal, state and local governments have increased their power to spy on all the people of this land and other authoritarian means to limit the liberties of the people.One classic example of this abuse of governmental powers is the events that took place on the Pine Ridge Reservation in the 1970?s, the attempt to suppress the American Indian Movement and the case of Leonard Peltier. For this reason the Northwest Leonard Peltier Support Network is building a coalition of Native organizations and support groups to organize a rally, march, potluck and a People?s Tribunal on the Case Of Leonard Peltier on June 3, 2003. Those interest in joining this coalition please contact us. We have a need of finding a place large enough for the potluck and Tribunal in Seattle.

 100 Native Drums. As a part of the march we are working on the idea of organizing 100 Native Drums. The correct protocol is being worked out for this.

 The NWLPSN appeals to all social justice groups, labor organizations, peace groups, immigration support groups and others to build a coalition for June 2, 2003 for a ?Civil Liberties For All? march and rally. Already over 44 cities in the U.S. have passed resolutions against the so-called ?U.S. Patriot Act?. It is outrageous that politicians are using the tragedy of 9-11 as a cover to attack the civil liberties of the people of this land. It is time for the people to start speaking out in defense of their civil liberties and organizing a coalition for a march and rally on June 2nd is one step in that direction.

 We know that others are thinking of organizing around the other days of that conference. We respectfully request that everyone respect the dignity of the struggle of Indigenous people and their supporters and allow us that one day under the guidance of the coalition of Native organizations and support groups. Thank you.

In Solidarity

Arthur J. Miller

NWLPSN Co-Coordinator

P.O. Box 5464

Tacoma, WA 98415-0464
