Karmabanque; getting rid of US/UK/Israeli predatory capitalists

nolympics writes

Karmabanque is a funny and informative site devoted to the propagation of destructive financial instruments by ordinary punters who would like to hurt deviant capitalist interests by encouraging and participating in the short selling of their stocks. This is essentially a way of betting (and so encouraging) that their stocks will decline in value. In theory this should force institutional investors to follow suit. Combined with boycotts of products (promoted by this bank), short selling is a means of punishing 'bad' market practices and registering this in markets. They encourage that any 'profits' be redistributed to countries and projects in need of diverted funds, while conceding that some should be pocketed for beer and pizza's.

Its also a great way of learning something about finanacial and stock markets hygenically.

fuck a company