Rob Waddell, "Hempfest 2003: A Report"

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Hempfest 2003: A Report

Rob Waddell

Hempfest 2003 rocked on for 3 days and two nights deep in the forest of Northern Ontario. With world class entertainment and an impressive lineup of speakers the citizens of Hempfest 2003, all 960 and 238 dogs were blessed with amazing weather all weekend long. The rains came down on Thursday but the skys cleared by evening and gave us an entertaining show with the Aurora Borealis dancing through the sky. The people started arriving on Thursday to stake their campsite for the weekend to come and to set up their "art installations".Friday came and then there was a steady stream of people coming down the drive into the Hempfest grounds. Government Joy Juice opened the night with Sean Stephens and the Chaos , The Barrymores and Trip the Off to follow. After the bands ended the crowds migrated to the The Treehouse Village down by the river. On the journey down to the river one was guided by Tiki Torches and once down the hill you were greeted by a little clearing which was lit and gave one a chance to rest and prepare to enter the realm of the Tree House Village. Just outside the gate was a group of shimmering stars which glowed out of the blackness of the forest and once past the gate and onto the beach one was greeted by giant stick men which were shimmering in the light of the various fires which were burning . The techno was pumping out till dawn and the people danced and played all night long.

When Saturday morning rolled around the site was remarkable clean and everyone was walking around with the Coffee or Hot Chocolate from the "Wake & Bake Cafe" and a good plate of breakfast from the Mcloud’s Fine Diner. Saturday’s activities got stated with an Ojibway Blessing followed by a few words and announcements from Rob Waddell and Alison Myrden. Several speakers took to the stage throughout the day such as Tim Meehan, Dom Cramer, Steven Bacon, Generek Broaderick, Robert Neron and Juanita Agawa.

During the afternoon three competitions were held which were Most Unique Rolled Joint, Junkyard Bong War and the Big Bud Weigh In. Robert Neron claimed the top prize in the Rolling Contest, D won the Junkyard Bong War and the GMC CREW won the Big Bud Weigh In at a healthy 47.6 Grams. After the contests there was a Bubble Hash Making demonstration in which Steven Bacon mixed up a batch of wonderful bubble hash using the Bubble Bags from Bubble Man.

After super we heard from The Twelve Gauge Ready and then Robert Rosie Rowbathan took to the stage followed by Scott Huckabay who gave us an amazing performance once again this year. WFO closed the night out around 3:30 AM and then the second stage took over and the beat kept beating till dawn.

Sunday afternoon Downfall, Wayward Son and Aftersight took to the stage and the closing ceremonies closed the festival around 5 PM. By dusk most of the participants of Hempfest had begun making their way home. There were a few stragglers who stayed till the following morning to assist in the final clean up and then by noon everyone was on their way home, full of memories that will last a life time and to dream of next year’s journey to HEMPFEST 2004 !!!!!!!!!!

For those who can attend , CANABIAN DAY is on August 30th @ Queens Park in Toronto, Ontario. CannabisCanada

Hempfest 2003

C/O Planetary Pride

246 Queen Street East

Sault Ste Marie, Ont P6A 1Y7 Canada