William H. Kennedy, "Thou Sayest: Is Brainwashing Possible?"

"Thou Sayest: Is Brainwashing Possible?"

by William H. Kennedy

"On the way to the police station Elizabeth did something quite unexpected. She began to defend her abductors and claiming that she did not want them to get into trouble or go to jail. Elizabeth was abducted by an ex-communicated Mormon named Brian David Mitchell and his wife Wanda Barzee who lived a cult-like existence. Mitchell sees himself as a Prophetic and at times Messianic figure. In his deranged world he came to the conclusion that Elizabeth Smart was his God ordained second wife after he completed some minor repair work at the Smart home. After he captured Elizabeth at knife point by cutting a window screen and entering her bedroom he took her on a seven month Odyssey through a strange world of homelessness, preaching and begging, the details of which are only slowly emerging in the popular media."

Full story: http://newworlddisorder.ca