"Youth Talk, Peace Talk" Meets New York City, Nov. 7-8,2003


Melina writes

The Lower Eastside Girls Club will be hosting "Youth Talks," which will be
the Youth component of the Peace Talks held by Middle Church on Nov 7, 8.The Youth organized portion of the conference will be seperate from the
conference. It will be non-faith based, but will take place on the 4th
floor of Middle Church, located on 7th Street between 1st and 2nd Aves.  
Youth Talks will be held on Saturday Nov. 8th from 12:30 to 3pm.

The Goal of Youth Talks is to provide a space for youth from around the
city to meet, and discuss their viewpoints on the war, and how it is
affects them. Discussion topics include: military recruitment in the high
school,  WTO and War on Terrorism,  youth incarceration, and means of
creative resistence.  We would like to have an opening session as a group,
followed by  three break out sessions, and then a closing session.   Two
City-As School interns are working to coordinate the Youth Talks -
creating flyers, recruiting students, and reaching out to organizations
for representatives at the event.

Right now, we are looking for representatives  to come help facilitate the
break out group discussions and/or speak at either the opening or closing
The organization will be able to table at the event and will have a page
in the zin the interns are creating to give to the youth attendees.

Because this is a youth coordinated event  for youth, this is  great
opportunity to walk the talk and get your message out.

You can contact Jennifer at gala@girlsclub.org or Melina at
eiregrrl@aol.org..... or call 212-982-1633.