Noel Ignatiev in Derry

Friday 9th January at 3pm
Seminar Room, Aberfoyle House, Magee Campus, Northland Avenue.
"How the Irish became White in America"
Lecture by Noel Ignatiev.
Free. All Welcome.
Hosted by Institute for Irish Cultural Heritage.

Friday 16th January at 3pm

Seminar Room, Aberfoyle House, Magee Campus, Northland Avenue, Derry.

"How the Irish became White in America"

Lecture by Noel Ignatiev.

Free. All Welcome.

Hosted by Academy for Irish Cultural Heritages.

Sat 17 January 2pm.

Pat Finucane Centre.

1 Westend Park

"Strategies for Anti-Racism in the north of Ireland"

A talk by Noel Ignatiev.

Hosted by the Pat Finucane Centre and the Anti Racist Monitoring Network.

All welcome. Free admission.

Noel Ignatiev (1940- ) was born in Philadelphia and earned a Ph.D. from Harvard University. Ignatiev worked in steel mills and various factories for more than twenty years before going to Harvard, and currently teaches history in the department of Critical Studies at the Massachusetts College of Art. He was also a fellow at the W.E.B. DuBois Institute for Afro-American Research at Harvard in 1997-1998. One of Ignatiev's frequent writing topics is the social construction of whiteness, and his books include How the Irish Became White (1995) and Race Traitor (1996), winner of an American Book Award. Ignatiev co-edited the latter book, an anthology culled from the journal also called Race Traitor, with John Garvey. His controversial work on Whiteness, typified in his essay "Abolish the White Race" has won him both widespread acclaim and condemnation. In it he argues that our role should not be to interpret Whiteness, but to abolish it. Ignatiev also contributes to
periodicals such as Social Education, Transition, and the Journal of Social History.

Thanks to Chris Gilligan for the following links:

An interview with Ignatiev from 1997: 97postel.htm

An interesting article by cultural critic Andrew Calcutt on Michael Jackson, blackness and whiteness - which makes very different points to those made by Ignatiev. .htm

A review essay on the topic of 'mixed race'. ue_3-4/mansaray.pdf

Shane OCurry
School of Law
University of Ulster at Magee
Derry BT48 7JL