My Very First Journal Entry...

I shouldn't be doing this... No, I SHOULD be sleeping. If I sleep, then, I can be a productive worker in the factory where I have been assigned by a temp agency. I did not sleep last night; last night I worked. For twelve hours. Tonight I will be working again. For twelve hours. I don't get paid very much; and a portion of what I do earn goes to the temp agency I am working through, not to me. I've been working at the same factory for just about a year now. I don't do much; just pick things up and place them in boxes or - in the case of those boxes - on shippong skids. Over the last two months, efficiency experts came through: and now, we workers must often simultaneously do tasks assigned to TWO people previously. That is a more productive use of our time. The efficiency experts are operating on the premise that it is cheaper to break workers than it is to fix and upgrade machinery to a higher level of efficiency... workers do not require a capital investment which must repay itself. Over this past year, I have bought computer and photographic equipment to replace that which I parted with in the years when I was doing the field work for my research project, "The Origin of Writing" (see: Sunrise Faces Sunset Mist in Semiotext[e] Canadas). Did I say replace? Well, I had NOTHING then like I've scraped together now... because for years and years I was doing things like, canvassing door-to-door for Greenpeace and various other groups while moving city-to-city, just to check things out here and there; and wandering around wild obscure places here in Canada, just to see them and take a few photographs here and there... ...and reading all the post structuralism I could get my hands on, to continue theorizing away with reference to a rather obscure alignment of deconstructionalist language theory with my own personal and almost life-long interest in (photographic) images. Good thing that I did; all of that work became very useful when I unexpectedly found myself shifting my focus onto my current research project - deals with tens of thousands of years of image writing produced by the First Nations of North America... an existential form of production that is undocumented and suppressed by the dominating EuroCulture which has quite successfully assigned itself the right to define what knowledge can be said to be... for the last few hundred years. Now that I am actually working, I can regain that investment of time in a rediscovery of all the things I had philosophically set myself to doing over those years. And I can share all that work with those here and elsewhere that might be interested in such things because, I actually managed to get my first credit card last month - and with it, I a purchased a web site. In fact, I've gotten togther all of the technical means of production that I need to put together my research, and present it to interested others. So, that's what I am doing. I'm at and, although there isn't very much there yet, there will be. But, I should be sleeping now...