Singer Vandalizes Charas

Louis Lingg writes: "The following was sent to me by e-mail: This morning - Friday Oct. 5th, evil doer, Gregg Singer, sent 'Upscale
Design & Painting' over to whitewash the new murals on the front walls
of CHARAS. This is the second time Singer has destroyed CHARAS murals.

In November of 99' he destroyed murals depicting the history of CHARAS
and a memorial by Chico of slain Artistic Director and Community Leader
Armando Perez. The new murals were a collaborative project organized by
Seth Tobocman this past August.(Seth offered to continuously repaint
them, remember?, so hopefully, we will hold another mural painting day

Greedy Gregg has clearly violated a supreme court stipulation by coming
on a Friday, without notice and destroying property.(he's only allowed
in tues. wed. & thurs. 10am-4pm, with 24 hrs. notice)
Since Gregg's hatred is only fueled by calls and faxes, and he will
claim we are harassing him,
everyone is encouraged to call 'Upscale Design and Painting' and let
them know that they are being hired to come in the very early morning to
destroy community art because of his obsession to destroy our 21 year
old community center.. etc.

The President of Upscale Design and Painting is:

Vladimir Yuzhuk -718-646-0568

501 Brightwater Ct. atp. 104

Brooklyn NY 11235


I think by now alot of you have heard that GS sent the Sheriff's Office,
Manhattan South, Chief Hale, 9th precinct and the Detective Squad to
CHARAS August 24th to issue a illegal 72 hour notice of eviction.
Judge Saralee Evans vacated the warrant of eviction and told Singer's
lawyers they were not to try to seek a warrant again, (until after
December 12th that is). CHARAS has also learned that Gregg Singer's
appeal of our stay has been denied. So we are here until at least
December 12th, and are continuing to try and find evidence of Singer's
real intentions for CHARAS. We're planning a legal strategy meeting soon
and will call another community meeting sometime this month.


Times Up/Critical Mass & CHARAS &... are working on a Big Halloween
Party-CHARAS Fundraiser for Friday, October 27th. So far we have plans
for a Political Haunted House, Fright Night Movie Lounge, Costume/Makeup
room, Bike Auction by Recycle a Bike, Story Time with Rev. Billy?, D.j.
Band and Bar, with a kids party early evening. if you want to help out,
please let me or ludmilla know. --xsusan"