Pinched RNC Demonstrators Can Expect Jail Time

"Pinched RNC Demonstrators Can Expect Jail Time"

Dan Janison, Newsday

New York City is ready for the prospect of holding in custody hundreds of demonstrators who may be arrested next month during the Republican National Convention, Correction Commissioner Martin Horn said yesterday.

"We have a plan," Horn said.

Several hundred detainees can be held if necessary in the Manhattan court complex but even large numbers of arrests "are not expected to have a substantial impact on our average daily population," Horn said.

"We expect most of these individuals will be released at arrest and pay fines, to the extent they are charged with disorderly conduct," Horn told the Board of Corrections in a public meeting.

Horn discussed the issue in broad terms, after it was broached by board chairman Stanley Kreitman. Horn noted that since court activity usually slows in late August, the holding pens are less busy at that time.