Still homeless

So last night I stayed up 'till 2:00 am desperately searching HUD's double-speak web site for any escape clause, any way out of my coming second round of life on the San Miguel River. It's unbelievable - all those smiley/smiley headlines on the site and then you start wading into the rules and regs and the current funding estimates. Things are going to get worse, folks, NOT better. Bush is proposing MORE cuts in 2005! (Why,I wonder? Maybe because Halliburton et al only can feed off the government gravey train for construction projects in third world countries that the US has already torn to pieces. No gain to be had by helping people in THIS country). When are the American people going to WAKE up? There are literally millions of American people just like me, disabled through no fault of own who didn't have private disability insurance or fat cat lawyers to get us some multi-million settlement for some supposedly negligent act on the part of some other person or entity. We want to work and can't. We want medical help and can't get it. We want that most basic human need met - shelter over our heads against the cold of the coming winter. What does the government give us instead? An illegal war which serves no purpose and cost the tax payers billions of dollars. The entire social security system could be funded till the end of time with the money the US has squandered in pointless wars against helpless third world nations. Never mind the loss of American lives. Anyone ever been to the Vietnam War Memorial in D.C.? I have, and I had to sit down and lean against that wall and weep. Are there ANY human beings left in my country? -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.