Rebel Voice - The Optimism Of Optimism

The momentum is we; the numbers are there, the influence already on its way. The revolution is coming with resources and without resources. People today more than ever are prepared to fight to the finish this time. Either to win freedom or remain enslaved under capitalism. We are fighting on all fronts and in twenty years time the planet will be full of revolutionary anarchists, the momentum is now. How sad, lost faith in the Intifada/revolution, luckily the liberation of people does not depend on anyone’s faith. The Americans are killing Iraqis and the Israelis are killing Palestinians. Big America and a small America, one Jewish the other Christian and together they travel around killing thousands and thousands of Muslims, Arabs, Vietnamese, Afghanistan, then it was communism and today it is called terrorism. The only terrorism there is to mention is state terrorism, not Muslim terrorism. The CIA trained Muslim terrorists. Common - be more optimistic; billions of people in the world are preparing themselves as I do for the final battle between slavery and freedom. The anarchic theory is spreading world wide like a nuclear chain reaction. All you have to do is just be more optimistic and leave the rest to us. First you have to relax; it is no good spreading efforts so much when the ground you stand on is unstable and plastic. Knowledge & information on its own just adds to the already existing confusion. Being busy with other people liberation struggle or with some other colonial/imperial invasion and occupations. The class struggle is dead, national struggle historically obsolete (Palestine is the last). Anarcho-communist subversion or extreme ontological pleasure based on epistemological radical metamorphosis (Taz/Paz). Consciousness expands by direct action, the physical liberation of mental space and the emancipation of the cerebrum – the new meta-humanoid. Your resistance should start where you live, if you cannot then you know what? The pyramid is your home turn it upside down, where the base rules, a revolution from below, the destruction of the foundation where one person can oppress and dominate another person. The elimination of anti-human activity, modern capitalism, feudalism, etc, Suicide is an unnecessary sacrifice like all other sacrifices, in jihad or the marines or in morality. Anarchy guarantee freedom for all except to those who would want to repeat the past, i.e., roman style social relations - no thanks - down to property that is theft, down to the state which is a control organ for the ruling rich and their representative puppets. Down to religion, politics and judo-Christian totalitarianism. Down to Islam and Hindu, down to all the lies and propaganda advocating gods and leaders. We are getting rid of the them one by one, slowly to assure that is time the transformation is permanent -PAZ The end of hierarchy and the start of anarchy. I can also assure many in this forum for example: that the Palestinian prisoner or fighter is a hundred fold freer and more emancipated and humane than most of you out there affluent, frightened and at large. Run baby run, but there is no where to run, you go underground and from there you attack until your enemy himself begins to run. The Intifada a taste of real freedom, where you win now and win later. Struggles without sacrifice a resistance without ideology, a revolution without a committee. Something new is happening in the 21st century – which has never happened before, a new condition exists now that was never before – at the present we are present too. The anarchic revolution is not a military revolution but a social revolution, with the least violence possible. We know very well that in all revolutions put together fewer people where hurt and killed than the smallest capitalist war. No authority in revolution, it is a spontaneous conscious coordinated mutual self-determination. Decentralized revolution based on direct participation of all concerned, without leadership, hierarchy or state/party/class dictatorship. It is the first and only anarchic revolution ever and probably the last as we experience the final epoch of capital control and domination? Universal anarchic anti-rule, every thing is free and for all. Without politicians, business, armies or police. Without courts, law, judges and lowers, no jails or prisoners or taxes. The historical end for the need of labor, the end of work as exploitation and boredom. By the destruction of the state and capital we bring about and immediate prosperity of the whole humanity and in particular instant prosperity to the long-suffering third world countries. Anarchy is the science of love; anarchy is the joy of life, where the minds and hearts are free. To achieve this happy freedom, which is only based on intense pleasure and satisfaction and which can bring down the largest and most indoctrinated of organizations. The enemy of the law, of all laws is radical passions armed with highly developed pleasure as opposed to all forms of pain. Anarchy can only exist in the most developed industrial/technical countries, where the objective conditions are mature enough for the anarcho-social revolution, that is beginning to manifest itself everywhere and at the same time. Things cannot continue as they are now, the explosive character of the situation, resulting from an accumulated historical contradictions, which are impossible to resolve thus permanently regressive. A universal solution to a universal problem through the uprooting of the causes of all the ills and the other horrors conducted by humanity in its short and miserable slave existence. It is time to create a new history, people that want to live in harmony with nature and other people. We want a world of abundance to all, a world without victims of any sort. A world that seeks not profit and hegemonic domination, but a living place/space where you can really enjoy your life in peace and in creativity. Capitalism and feudalism are against this, they want hardship and suffering to the majority of the world population and we will soon stop it, and push it down to were it belongs to the sewer of hi$tory.