Freeze on housing vouchers - freezing on the streets

I don't think anyone reads this, but I guess it's good practice for more public venues. Soooo, today I called up the local Independent Living Center (by way of reference, Independent Living Centers are Federally mandated outfits which supposedly help the disabled to find housing and work). My friendly ILC told me that there has been a freeze on housing vouchers for the disabled (and everyone else) since June. What this amounts to, folks, is federally mandated genocide of an undesirable group. Strong words, but stop and think about it. You are too ill, or too physically disabled to hold down a nine to five job; you are not some asshole who filed a questionable lawsuit against some individual and got megabucks, and your disability is not work related, so you don't get workman's comp. You turn to the government of the United States of America (remember all those social security taxes you've been paying all these years?); and after a two to five year or more bitter wait, you at long last get YOUR SSDI "award" if you're still alive. What do they give you back? In my case a lousey $625.00 a month plus $140.00 in food stamps. I worked for 30 years, folks, and paid my taxes like a good girl and that's what my American government gives me back on my hard paid taxes. Anybody out there wanna try living on an income like that, hmmm...? Rent, food, utilities, transportation, clothing (from thrift shops, of course), all the many medical expenses that Medicare (Surprise!) won't cover. An abled bodied person couldn't survive on that amount, never mind those of us on disability where even the most common, everyday task is a nightmare. Take away our housing vouchers and put us out on the streets, and what do you think will happen to us? Don't everybody shout "Sig Heil!" all at once. Jesus Christ! Why isn't there more reporting of this, why isn't there any outrage? OK, all you white bread, middle class revolutionaries can go back to sleep now...