Uproot The Root Of All Evil

Uproot The Root Of All Evil Money = god = religion = capitalism = war. Money = terrorism = ideology = power = violence. Money = morality = state = hierarchy = authority. Money = empire = exploitation = oppression = tradition. Money = theory = science = philosophy = class. Money = economy = politics = military = police. Money = law = rich = work = poor = poverty. Money = survival = hate = conflict = antagonism. Money = mental + physical disease = daily misery. Money = consumption = leaders = force = coercion. Money = system = discrimination = racism = genocide. Money = inequality = pain = suffering = boredom. Money = killing industrial machine = production of daily misery. Money = time = space = feeling = business = organization. Money = corporation = structure = hegemony = civilization. Money is theft = the root of all existence = abolish money. End of money as a political economy + and dismantling the rich class = the distribution of all wealth amongst the local inhabitants, there is more than plenty to all + much more. Abolition of money is also the abolition of the state + religion = abolition of price, wage and rent = the abolition of work and capitalist production = a poisonous and dangerous profit making enterprises. Money kills = capitalism is a killing machine + what it does not kill it enslaves. Profit making is war making = money making is a deadly + very harmful + boring. The leaders and the rich are the most ugly and boring people on earth; even the life of a pauper is more exciting than theirs. Wallowing in luxury whilst rampaging the planet with their mercenaries and crusaders, devastating the populations they conquer + exploit. With the aid of sweat + blood money they rule us + do with us what they wish, they can do to us what ever they like anytime and everywhere, whilst you can do nearly nothing to them. Macro – capitalism = macro-terrorism. Micro – capitalism = micro-terrorism. A revolution will end all this tragic mess and bring forward a free-living unknown for more than 5000 years.