anon writes: "Hi all,
London Reclaim the Streets is putting together a free newspaper to be given
out at anti-war events and at various local World Trade
Organisation-related actions on November 9th and beyond. We want to pull
together existing articles, posters, illustrations, photos etc. that have
emerged on the current 'war on terrorism' etc., and produce some new stuff,
designed to show an alternative take on current propaganda. It would spread
into other related areas like the west's lust for oil/climate
change/racism/repression of our movement and how we're trying (but maybe
not yet succeeding yet) to overcome creeping despair and come up with a
cogent radical response to it. We'd like to have plenty of room for
non-western opinions. It might be a spoof, but it certainly won't be
text-heavy, or be obsessively certain about where we're heading, and might
above all else try to open up a space where we can ask some new questions
and find some new perspectives on all this madness.
So here are some elements of possible involvement:
1. Send us your or other peoples' old or new articles, posters, leaflets,
drawings, photos etc., and let us know if we can use them without
copyright. We're not sure yet whether we'll want to put names to each
contribution. Deadline is October 26th.
2. Let us know if you have time you can put in to the project, either from
afar or in person. Layout is a particular job we might need help with -
there may be elements of cut'n'paste alongside desktop-published stuff.
3. We could do with cash towards printing, in case you or your group is
able to pitch in. Cheques payable to 'Reclaim the Streets'.
4. Would you like copies when it finally emerges?
Please send ideas, comments, material, cash etc. to us at
and (no attachments to rts please!), phone 020 7281 4621, or
write to PO Box 9656, London N4 4JY.
That's it. Thanks for your time,
London Reclaim the Streets and friends "