Radio Files from "Renewing the Anarchist Tradition" Conference

Radio Files from "Renewing the Anarchist Tradition" Conference

Anarchist Theory and Praxis

Summary: Cindy Milstein, Andrea Schmidt, Jaggi Singh, S'ra Desantis, Mark
Lance, Andrew Willis, and Hilton Bertalan presenting on a wide range of
topics and their interface with Anarchist Theory and Praxis.

The Life or Death of the Anti-Globalization Movement?

Chuck Morse and
Marina Sitrin carry on the debate that first appeared in the Perspectives
on Anarchist Theory

Sexuality and Anarchism

Summary: A panel examining the relationship of sex, gender, and sexuality
to power, capital and our movements/work. As anarchists/anti-capitalists
who struggle against the world as is, we must be critically aware of the
changing nature of sex, gender, and sexuality.