I don't do this enough at all; I really should add in a little more journal content, and much more frequently. Another boring but busy year has all but run its course; and, while I had hoped that I might find myself gainfully unemployed, that did not turn out to be the case. No, I managed to do little more than file an unemployment claim and then, work just enough to NOT be eligable for any benefits... up until the point where I was put on rotating shifts with a regular crew (in the factory where I work as a temp manual laborer) at summer's end. And yet, it has been a momentous year - in a slow, uneventful way. I went from getting my first credit card - a $200 secured card - to being issued a Gold Card with a $10,000 limit. Quite bizarre, as the ~2 years I've been temping at the factory where I'm assigned is the longest period of time I've ever held one job at the same place. I think it had something to do with the old life insurance policy I discovered I owned this spring (when I started paying income tax on its dividends - the first time I've ever made enough in one year that I would have to pay such taxes)... and promptly cashed it out, so that I could upgrade my computer and install Adobe's Creative Suite of programs. Hey: a REAL credit card - now I don't have to stop eating in order to buy something that I need to make use of right away! That's how I finally managed to get my hands on a decent 35mm camera (over the internet); and how I was able to snap up a factory refurbished color laser printer (over the internet). Now I actually have the equipment I need to do some serious desktop publishing... except, now I live in a relatively small community, where there isn't really anything happening. Ironic. I did, however, manage to put together a new web site, which is featured as an article in the current issue of (issue #9). It is located at and outlines my work in deconstructing/ reconstructing the image writing used by the First Nations of North America during pre-Columbian times. I followed a format defined by Gilles Deleuze's 'seven criteria for sign differentiation', as outlined in "Proust and Signs". I'll add in some more stuff, eventually. SO: I can print images myself now; if anyone wants some of whatever I've posted on my site, let me know.