Turkey: "People Against Dams" Flowed Like a River


Social Ecologist Transformation writes:

Turkey: "People Against Dams" Flowed Like a River

From Istanbul to Dersim, Action for Munzur! People against Dams flowed like a river against global murderer corporations. For action photos:

Munzur is Life!

ISTANBUL — Against the global murderer corporations’ dam projects in Munzur Valley and gold mining with cyanide, about 300 people flowed like a river with slogans “Munzur will flow freely”, “Munzur is Life! The stream of life can not be stopped!”.

For the International Day of Action for Rivers on 14th of March, with the action call of Munzurun Delileri (the Mad of Munzur), Sosyal Ekolojist Dönüþüm (Social Ecologist Transformation), Munzur Çevre Derneði (Munzur Environmental Association), Hozatlýlar Derneði (Hozatlýlar Association), on the 13th of March, hundreds of people marched in Beyoglu-Istanbul.During the march, the protestors carried a common banner written “Munzur Will Flow Freely” and a hundred meters long huge blue fabric, representing Munzur River against war of capitalists targeting nature and human beings, was waved. Protestors chanted “Munzur will Flow Freely”, “Munzur is Life, the Stream of Life cannot be Stopped”, “Murderer corporations, go away from Dersim”, “Murderer Rio Tinto, Go Away from Munzur”, “From Ýstanbul to Dersim, Action for Munzur”, “No mining corporations, No nuclear Power Plants, No Dams, No Dams in Munzur”, “Action for Munzur, Don’t Watch the Slaughter” slogans with great enthusiasm. Many people supported the march and gathered to the “river” and chanted the slogans.

When the protestors reached Galatasaray Post Office, where the press release was read, “Munzur is Life, the Stream of Life can not be stopped”, “Life is in Air and in Earth, Life is not in Murderer Corporations”, “Ata Holding, Rio Tinto Nalet Sero To” banners were opened. Seyri Mesel Theater performed a play in Zaza language and then the press release was read. It was decleared that the struggle against global murderer corporations attacking nature and human beings will continue. Traditional pies representing the will to struggle against dams and mining corporations were distributed.

On the same day, at the same time with Istanbul, Rivers and Earth Movement made an action in Dersim. People from Dersim, met in the Market Square and marched to Gole Çetu where Harçik and Munzur rivers meet and read a press release there. Actions against dams and mining corporations also took place in Eskiþehir, Van and Ankara.