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Foucault/Deleuze Colloquium, Toronto, March 9, 2012Colloquium -- Foucault/Deleuze: A Neo-Liberal Diagram Start: 9 Mar 2012 - 10:00am Ryerson University, Rogers Communication Centre, room 202 Foucault/Deleuze: A Neo-Liberal Diagram Friday, March 9, 2012 Ryerson University, Rogers Communication Centre, room 202 This colloquium brings together some of the most respected and Organizer: Greg Elmer,, hosted by the Infoscape Panel #1: Time, Speed, Affect (10am-12pm) Jack Bratich (Rutgers U) “State-friended Social Media: Dissent, Fenwick McKelvey (Ryerson U.) “Rhythms, Flows, and Times: A Deleuzian Matt Tiessen (Ryerson U.) – High Frequency Trading Panel #2: Liberalism and its Discontents (1pm-3pm) Robert Latham (York University & Infoscape research centre fellow) - Alessandra Renzi (Ryerson University) “Infrastructure Must be Defended” Greg Elmer (Ryerson University)– “Liberalism and Coercion: A View from Panel #3: Signatures (330pm-5:30pm) Roberta Buiani (York University) - "Vital encounters: negotiating Erika Biddle (York University) "Info Nymphos" Gary Genosko (Lakehead University) "Special Semiotic Characters: What |
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