Okra P. Dingle's Belongings & Circus News

Wyette Hertz and Easy Biscuits writes:

We, faraway friends of New Orleans, passed the summer with Okra P. Dingle on a farm in upstate New York. He left his books and circus gear with us and we were to deliver them to New Orleans, late October before going on tour. We are still planning on going to the Southwest and doing circus/cheap art projects with and for Katrina survivors and displacees. We are currently seeking musicians, clowns, stuntspeople, cheap artistes, revelers, mad scientists, cooks, activist librarians, street performers, marching bands and all good time folks who might want to spend the fall/winter travelling through the areas where people have been relocated and spread joy to those who have survived. We will be travelling in a 16 foot box truck, powered by recycled vegetable oil. This is a serious call out to anyone interested. Please e-mail us at whalesbellywondercarnival@yahoo.com

Thanks and Abundant Love,

Wyette Hertz and Easy Biscuits, carnival extrodinaires