Zach Levenson, "Social Struggles in South Africa"

Social Struggles in South Arica
Zach Levenson

CUNY Grad Center, 34th and 5th Avenue, New York City
4PM, Sunday, Dec. 8, 2014

Insurgent Notes ( is sponsoring a talk by Zach Levenson on recent struggles in South Africa’s townships, in which he was involved, both as a participant and an observer, for six months earlier this year.

He will speak on state and private land grabs and relocations, ethnic divisions, stratification within the casualized and unemployed work force, and some attempts by the township populations to self-organize. He will also discuss
the false dichotomy between “social democratic” and “neo-liberal” policies
at containment by the ruling African National Congress (ANC).

The talk will take place at the CUNY Graduate Center, at Fifth Avenue and 34th St., Manhattan, Room 5414, on Sunday Dec. 8th at 4 PM. Please bring photo ID to show at the main entrance.

Zachary Levenson is writing a dissertation on urban dispossession in South African cities after apartheid in UC Berkeley's Department of Sociology. He has been active in the student-worker movement at Berkeley, anti-austerity struggles in Oakland, and housing organizing in Cape Town. He returned last month from 6 months in South Africa, his second such stint in the past 2 years.