Institute for Anarchist Studies (IAS) Speakers Bureau

Institute for Anarchist Studies (IAS)
Speakers Bureau

The Institute for Anarchist Studies (IAS) is pleased to announce our new
Speakers Bureau. The Speakers Bureau is a project that arranges speaking
engagements for many diverse and dynamic thinkers drawn from our network
of scholars and activists.The Speakers and Topics

Ashanti Alston — is a former member of the Black Panther Party and ex-political
prisoner. He is a board member of the IAS and publishes the Zine “Anarchist
Panther”. He has been a guest lecturer at the Institute for Social Ecology in
Vermont—speaking on the Panthers and the history of Black Nationalist
movements. He recently spent six months in Chiapas studying the autonomous
structure of Zapatista communities and writing his memoirs. He resides in New
York, where he served as the regional coordinator for Critical Resistance, a
national organization committed to ending the Prison Industrial Complex.

Topics: Lessons from the Black Panther Party, History of Black Nationalist
Movements, Black Anarchism and Zapatistas.

Kazembe Balagoon — is a writer/educator living in Brooklyn NY. A graduate of
Hunter College with a BA in Africana Studies and Philosophy, he was a member of
the Student Liberation Action Movement (SLAM). He is currently a member of
Estacion Libre, a people of colour organization in solidarity with Chiapas. His
articles have appeared in The Indypendent, Left Turn magazine, and Perspectives
on Anarchist Theory.

Topics: Queer Theory, African-American Cultural History and Black Liberation.

Paul Glavin — is a writer, acupuncturist and a board member of the IAS. He has
been active in social and political movements for over 20 years. He is a
founding member of the Youth Greens, and ecological anarchist organization, a
former member of the Love and Rage Revolutionary Anarchist Federation, the Free
Society Journal Collective, and the AWOL political collective. He lives in the
Pacific Northwest, and has been published in Z Magazine, Clamor, Perspectives
on Anarchist Theory, and the New Formulation.

Topics: Anti-Authoritarian Organizing; Capitalism, the State & Ecology; An
Anarchist Perspective on the Black Panther Party; and the Radical Roots of
Acupuncture Detox in the Revolutionary Movements of the 1960s.

Mark Lance — is a Professor of Philosophy, and Professor of Justice and Peace
at Georgetown University. He is widely published on philosophy language, logic,
epistemology, ethics and political philosophy. He is a board member of the IAS,
and co-editor of the interdisciplinary journal Peace and Change. Mark has also
been an activist on a wide range of issues for 20 years, and publishes in a
number of activist journals. He is currently writing a book on “constructive

Topics: Palestine and the duties of Americans; Taking democracy seriously; Why
do revolutions fail; Constructive anarchism and the meaning of community; The
responsibilities of citizenship in a time of Empire; Taking terrorism
seriously; Academic lectures on a range of issues in philosophy.

Todd May — is a Professor of Philosophy at Clemson University. He teaches and
writes in recent French thought, particularly poststructuralism. He is the
author of The Political Philosophy of Poststructuralist Anarchism. In addition
to his academic work, he has been involved in liberation struggles from gay
rights to anti-apartheid work to the Palestinian rights struggle.

Topics: The intersection of philosophy and anarchism; Poststructuralism;

Cindy Milstein — is a co-organizer of the Renewing Anarchist Tradition
conference, a board member with the IAS, and a member of Free Society
Collective and Black Sheep Books collective in Montpelier, Vermont. Her work
appears in anti-authoritarian periodicals and several recent anthologies,
including “Globalize Liberation” (City Lights Books), “Confronting Capitalism”
(Soft Skull Press), and “Only a Beginning” (Arsenal Pulp Press).

Topics: Anarchism; Contemporary anti-capitalist and anti-authoritarian
movement(s);Direct democracy; Globalization; Changing character of statecraft
politics; Contemporary issues from an anarchist perspective.

Ramor Ryan — is a graduate of Trinity College, Dublin and has taught in
Managua, Nicaragua and Colombia. He has also worked as a journalist, in print,
radio and television. He is based in Chiapas, Mexico along with his two year
old son, and is awaiting the publication of his first book Clandestines-The
Pirate Journals of an Irish Exile by AK this spring.

Topics: Anti-imperialist struggles in Belfast, Belize, Nicaragua and Kurdistan;
Anti-capitalist movements in Mexico and Brazil; Zapatistas and grassroots

Andréa Schmidt — lives and works from Montreal. She has organized around
migration justice issues, reported from occupied Iraq and Haiti, and written
dispatches on international solidarity and anti-imperialism. She has also given
numerous workshops on anarchism and direct action. Andréa is a board member of
the IAS, and an editor of Perspectives on Anarchist Theory.

Topics: Anti-imperialism inside Fortress North America; Anarchism and direct
action; International solidarity.

Bill Weinberg — is an award-winning journalist and editor of the on-line
magazine (World War 4 Report), which was launched immediately
after the 9-11 attacks. He is the author of Homage to Chiapas: The New
Indigenous Struggles in Mexico
(Verso 2000) and War on the Land: Ecology and
Politics in Central America
(Zed 1991). As a correspondent for Native Americas,
the quarterly journal of Cornell University's American Indian Program, he has
won three awards from the Native American Journalists Association (NAJA) for
his reportage on indigenous issues from Nicaragua to Arizona. He is currently
working on a book about Plan Colombia and indigenous resistance movements in
the Andes. He lives on New York's Lower East Side.

Topics:: Latin America; Plan Colombia; The Zapatistas; Indigenous movements
(especially in the Andes, Mexico and Central America); Secular left resistance
in Iraq and the Islamic world; The "War on Terrorism" and the corporate agendas
it masks; Building alternative media.

To schedule a speaking engagement or to coordinate around a speaker passing
through your area, please contact us by email or post.

We also have speakers for French and Spanish audiences for certain topics.

Host organizations are expected to provide all transportation costs, and
honorarium and lodging or lodging costs (where applicable).

Institute for Anarchist Studies
P.O. Box 1664
New York, NY 10009

Phone: 1-(917)-753-2663