Joel Kovel, "The Ecosocialist Vision"


"The Ecosocialist Vision"

Joel Kovel

New York City, Nov. 2, 2005

The New SPACE (The New School for Pluralistic Anti-Capitalist Education) Presents:


A Talk by Joel Kovel

Wednesday, November 2 at 7:30 p.m.

We are presently undergoing a profound crisis in the relations between humanity and nature — the outcome of which will determine the shape of the future. It is quite clear, although near-universally denied, that this "ecological crisis" is primarily being driven by the force of capital accumulation. It is also clear that this objectively redefines the mission of radical-left politics, inasmuch as capital is both profoundly ecodestructive and unable to correct itself. Hence a new socialism is needed — an ecosocialism that combines "red" and "green" political agendas. To do this, however, a new sense of vision is required, one capable of imagining the contours of such a socialist world despite the failings of twentieth century socialism and the hegemonic power of capitalism. Join us in a discussion with Joel Kovel.
Joel Kovel is Editor-in-Chief of Capitalism Nature Socialism and Professor of Social Studies at Bard College. He is the author of nine books, the most recent being The Enemy Of Nature (Zed, 2002). He ran for US Senate from NY in 1998 on the Green Party line, and for the Green Party Presidential nomination in 2000.

Suggested Donation: $7–$10

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New Space

Tel: 1 (800) 377-6183