Anarchisms Research Group, New York City, Dec. 2, 2005


Anarchisms Research Group

New York City, Dec. 2, 2005


Where: THE SOCIOLOGY LOUNGE, Room 6112 on the sixth floor of the CUNY
Graduate Center, 365 Fifth Avenue at 34th Street, NYC. (Directions
and maps available: here).

Throughout its history anarchism as a theory and a socio-political
movement has gone through periodic peaks and troughs in popularity
and notoriety. Over the past ten years anarchism has again been on
the rise.

CUNY students call for the formation of a new student group to pursue
interests in anarchist thought, and to advance its legitimacy in the
academy. The new student group, which is applying for incorporation
by the Doctoral Student Council at the Graduate Center, has three
proposed aims:

1. To promote the analysis of the history, plurality, and
trajectory of anarchism as a theory and practice.

2. To facilitate the development of anarchist research and theory
at CUNY and in the academy at large.

3. And to promote the study and teaching of anarchism within CUNY
and the academy at large.

We will have our first meeting to discuss the mission, projects, and
organization of the new student group (to be named "The Anarchisms
Research Group") on Friday, 2 December 2005 at 5 PM in the Sociology
Lounge, located in room 6112, on the sixth floor of the CUNY Graduate
Center, 365 Fifth Avenue at 34th Street, NYC. You must have photo
I.D. to enter the building if you are not a CUNY Grad Center student.

We invite students from various disciplines, backgrounds, political
practice and struggles, and CUNY campuses to join our first meeting.
Please bring ideas, proposals for projects, and your enthusiasm.
Vegetarian pizza will be served at the meeting!

For more information, please contact Yvonne Liu at