Translated--Gunter Grass on 9/11

hydrarchist writes: "Some weeks ago an anonymous comrade submitted two articles in German - by Gunter Grass and Jurgen Habermas - and requested that they be translated.
Last week a translation of the Gunter Grass piece was posted on via nettime. If anyone knows whether the Habermas piece has also been translated please let us know.

Kermit Snelson" writes "Interview with Gunter Grass

Der Spiegel, 10 October 2001,1518,1 61444,00.html

(Translated from German by Kermit Snelson)

[Guenter Grass is a Nobel lauriate, an active social democrate
and among the most respected 'public intellectuals' in Germany.]

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Do you think this war is justified, Mr. Grass?

Guenter Grass: There's a politician who has described very cleverly how a
civil society should react to an attack like that on New York: civilly. It
was Johannes Rau [currently Federal President of Germany -- trans.]

SPIEGEL ONLINE: And how civil is this military attack?

Guenter Grass: Military attacks are never civil. Dropping packages of food
doesn't obscure that fact. What the UN had been accomplishing in that
country, together with other relief agencies, doing far more to alleviate
misery -- that was civil. But now they can no longer be there or work
there, for fear of the attacks.

Read the rest of this translation at"