NYC Grassroots Media Conference, Feb. 11, 2006


NYC Grassroots Media Conference

Saturday February 11th, 2006

New School University

65 Fifth Ave at Thirteenth St

$20 Adult Pre-Registration, $30 Day Of Conference, $5 Youth (21 and under)

Register now by visiting:

or visiting Bluestockings Bookstore: 172 Allen St at Stanton St in Manhattan

Call Paper Tiger TV at (212) 420-9045 For Information on Group Rates

+Proposal Submissions still being accepted:


+Advertise or Purchase a table for your organization:


+Submit your work for our Art Exhibition & Film

+Tell Us Your Organizations Supports the Conference by Endorsing the Event:

EndorseThe 3rd Annual New York City Grassroots Media Conference returns to New School
on Saturday, February 11, 2006!

Join hundreds of fellow media makers, activists, artists, academics and youth
for an action-packed day of informative panels, hands-on workshops, strategy
sessions and an evening networking party.

The conference provides a unique space in New York City to forge linkages
between the growing independent media movement and local social justice
campaigns. As 2006 will be a challenging year – from significant media policy
issues in Congress that will affect our access to media channels to ongoing
battles in our city for improvements in housing, education and healthcare for
all communities – the GMC is an opportunity to envision and enact the social
change we all want to see in NYC. Our mission is a more accessible and
representative media infrastructure that serves the diverse communities of our

Panels will include discussions of race and independent media, culture jamming,
and how participants can help save public access television; a series of
compelling educational workshops designed just for youth; and a whole range of
do-it-yourself, skill-sharing workshops designed to teach each other how to
produce – and distribute – powerful and effective grassroots media.

We are accepting online proposals for workshops, art and film submissions,
program advertisements, endorsements, and tabling reservations online here.
Register online now to get a discounted rate. As always, we also welcome
organizers, volunteers and donations of funds or materials.