Zapatista Comandanta Ramona, R.I.P.


Zapatista Comandanta Ramona, R.I.P.

San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas, México. — The woman
who had the command of the taking of the city of San Cristobal on the 1st
of January 1994, died this morning 6th of January 2006.

The news of the death of Comandanta Ramona was broken at the Otra Campaña
meeting in Tonalá, Chiapas, where the Delegado Zero was participating.
Since 1994 she was suffering from a terminal disease. In 1995, she had a
kidney transplant operation and with that she stole another 10 years from death. This morning she awoke in a delicate state and she died when she
was brought to San Cristobal (Trans note: the original spanish says she
"ceased to exist", but of course it would be nonsense to put it like that
in english). Comandanta Ramona, a tiny indigenous woman, commanded the strategy of the
taking of San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas during the armed uprising of
the 1st of January 1994. She was a woman who gave her life for the
struggle of her people, and who despite her delicate state of health, was
always present.

The last time she was seen in public was the 16th of September 2005, in
the plenary meeting of the preparations for the "Other Campaign", in the
Caracol of La Garrucha, Municipality F. Gomez.

In giving the news, Delegado Zero announced the suspension for 2 days of
the programmed "Other Campaign" tour, and the return of the delegation to
the Caracol of Oventic, in order to be present at the funeral of this
great woman, Comandanta Ramona.