Stanley Aronowitz, "Time for a Radical Party?"


"Time for a Radical Party?"

A Talk by Stanley Aronowitz

New York City, Thursday, March 2 at 7:00 p.m.

The Left is fragmented into a large number of single issue movements around solidarity, against the Iraq war, and in community organizations, and others who either try to push the Democratic Party to the left or work in small organizations that often call themselves parties or projects. The United States does not have a radical political formation dedicated to linking these movements and addressing broad national and global questions.

Aronowitz will argue that such a formation is especially vital in this period of growing authoritarianism, the lack of a visible opposition, the decline of the labor movement and absence of alternatives to capitalist domination. This talk will outline the problem, discuss a specific proposal and make suggestions about how to achieve it.Stanley Aronowitz teaches sociology at the CUNY Graduate Center and is a co-managing editor of the journal Situations: Project of the Radical Imagination. He has written more than 200 articles for encyclopedias, book chapters, journals, magazines and newspapers. The 23 books he has written or edited include False Promises (1973); Science as Power (1988); The Jobless Future (1994), with William DiFazio; Implicating Empire (2003), co-edited with Heather Guatney; How Class Works (2003); and Just Around the Corner: The Paradox of the Jobless Recovery (2005). Currently, Aronowitz is working on a biography of C.Wright Mills for Columbia University Press. His book Time for a Radical Party? will appear in the Fall.

Suggested Donation: $7–$10

New SPACE classes and talks meet at the Clemente Soto Vélez Cultural & Educational Center: 107 Suffolk Street, NYC (between Rivington and Delancey Streets). F to Delancey Street or J, M, or Z to Essex Street. A map is available at the New SPACE website.