Afghan Revolutionary Protests an American "Set-Up"


Louis Lingg writes: "The democratic-socialist Labour Party of Pakistan website has posted an interview with Adel, central leader of the Afghan Revolutionary Labour Organization.

An excerpt: 'Our party does not support any imposed set up in Afghanistan. This new set up will defend the American interests. The problem of Afghan people will not be solved by them
neither it is their agenda. Former King Zahir Shah’s talk of election and transitional government is a deception. Because of ignorance and mass murder, the Afghan may consider
Zahir Shah as an alternate but they will come out of this deception very soon The grand son of Zahir Shah, Mustafa Zahir and grand daughter Humera Wali are active for the
restoration of kingdom. It is possible that the Zahir Shah and the new set up with so-called election process are “elected”. But this will be a sheer deception. Through these
elections it will not be the genuine people representations but the American stooges who will be elected. Americans will not tolerate its opposition to come into power.'"