"Rhetoric of Science and Technology" Conference
New Orleans, November 2002
American Association for Rhetoric of Science and Technology
6th Annual Pre-conference
November 20, 2002
New Orleans, LA
The American Association for the Rhetoric of Science and Technology
announces a call for papers for its annual Pre-conference on November
20th, 2002 in New Orleans, LA. Building upon the success of the past two
pre-conferences, this year's gathering will feature special sessions
focusing on the rhetorics of stakeholder engagement within the National
Laboratory System. Detailed information on these sessions and a call for
respondents/participants will be forthcoming.
At this time, we welcome submissions for a panel session featuring cutting
edge work being done in the rhetoric of science and technology. Papers
exploring any area of the rhetoric of science and technology are welcome.
New PhDs and graduate students are particularly encouraged to submit.
Submit papers to Joanna Ploeger (see contact information below) by June
15, 2002. Electronic submissions are encouraged and should be sent as
Word or RTF document attachments.
The American Association for the Rhetoric of Science and Technology
Pre-conference is held in conjunction with the 88th annual convention of
the National Communication Association, November 21-24.
Please contact the pre-conference organizer with questions or concerns.
Paper submissions and/or inquiries can be made to:
Joanna Ploeger
Department of Communication Studies
105 BCSB
University of Iowa
Iowa City, IA 52242
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Gordon W. Coonfield
Humanities Department
Michigan Technological University
1400 Townnsend Drive
Houghton, MI 49931
v <906.487.3230>
f <906.497.3559>