Hotmail Shuts Down "Political" Account

Phuq Hedd writes "Frank Dorrell is a well-known Los Angeles anti-war activist. I think, from looking at his video "What I've Learned About U.S. Foreign Policy", that he may be some sort of buddy of Ramsey Clarke. However it's a pretty good short summary of some recent U.S. interventions. It is reported that his Hotmail account has been terminated because the Terms of Use deem that sending "offensive material" to other customers is grounds for termination of service.

Seems like dollars and control get to determine Free $peech yet again. On the positive side perhaps this will discourage people from using Hotmail (as if the problem of having to configure Getmail to pull mails off their POP server wasn't enough! If you must use one of the big free services then Yahoo is much friendlier to *NIX clients)"