Immigrant Round-Up by Carabinieri in Parma, Italy

Immigrant Round-Up by Carabinieri in Parma, Italy
From: Coordinamento Antirazzista della FAI fat

On the evening of Thursday 7th March in Parma, the police, dressed for war, carried out a round-up of immigrants and a series of searches both of migrants and of 5 members of the town's Comitato Antirazzista (Anti- Racist Committee). We wish to express our total solidarity with these migrants and our comrades in the Anti-Racist Committee, who are victims
of the racist policies of the government.


Coordinamento Antirazzista della Federazione Anarchica Italiana
(Anti-Racist Co-ordinating Committee of the Italian Anarchist Federation) for info: fai

Parma: round-up and searching of immigrants on the eve of the regional demonstration of migrants. The searches in a central quarter of the town where many migrants live and work lasted three hours in what was a police operation with the clear aim to intimidate just two days before the regional demonstration of the CGIL [union].

At 6.00pm (on 7th March, ed.note) the roads were blocked by dozens of Carabinieri [militarised police -- trans.] vans and police cars which had even arrived from other towns in the area.

Houses and shops were searched. The "forces of order" went into action at shops and restaurants clutching reversed batons and cocked submachine-guns.

Numerous migrants were carried off to the local Carabinieri station. Five comrades, amongst whom members of the local Anti-Racist Committee, who arrived at the scene were stopped and had their identities checked by 6 (six) police patrols who were sent specially for the job. The checks lasted an hour and the comrades were finally permitted to leave.

Evidently, all witnesses to these abuses of power are dangerous criminals. The intimidation that can be seen in this operation is designed to discourage migrant participation in Saturday's demonstration, in a similar way to the actions in other cities where protests against the Bossi/Fini law have been held over the past few months.

We invite anti-racist groups and migrants' associations to Emilia-Romagna to participate in Saturday's demonstration.

The meeting point is Piazzale S.Croce at 3pm.

Comitato cittadino antirazzista, Ya Basta! Parma

for info: 3470502008 katia